Film to be Made of Father’s Recovery from Alzheimer’s with Coconut Oil

“I lost my dad to Alzheimer’s five years ago and I thought I would never get him back,” said Rashi. “But somehow I have, and it’s the most amazing thing.

Low-Carb Diet May Slow Alzheimer’s Disease

A growing body of research suggests there may be a powerful connection between the foods you eat and your risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia, via similar pathways that cause type 2 diabetes. Some have re-named Alzheimer’s as “type 3 diabetes.”

Statins Worsen Brain Function of Alzheimer’s Sufferers

The research against cholesterol-lowering statin drugs continues to mount, as does the evidence that lowering ones cholesterol via medication has serious side effects, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Cholesterol is Crucial for Healthy Cell Functioning

It’s time for the cholesterol myths to be laid to rest. Learn the truth about how cholesterol works in your body, and you’ll realize it’s not an enemy to your health, but instead plays an essential role in keeping your body functioning optimally.

Speech “Gone” Due to Alzheimer’s Returns After Starting Coconut Oil

"Before we started him on coconut oil, Dad's speech was gone and he couldn't remember his name or his date of birth," Kal explained.

Coconut Oil Offers Hope for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and ALS

In what is yet another great investigative report by Lorie Johnson of CBN, we hear how coconut oil is helping people with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and ALS.

Why Cholesterol is Essential for Optimal Health

There's some serious confusion about cholesterol, and whether high cholesterol levels are responsible for heart disease.

The Futility of Pharma-based Alzheimer’s Research

The FDA has approved a new test that detects the presence of proteins in the brain that have been connected to Alzheimer’s disease, despite proof that the test is not accurate.

Canadian Man Swears by Coconut Oil as Alzheimer’s Remedy

A man on the west coast of Newfoundland claims a new treatment is helping his family cope with the devastating effects of Alzheimer’s disease.

Research Continues to Show Alzheimer’s is a Type 3 Diabetes

Given all the evidence regarding insulin resistance, diabetes, and the link to Alzheimer’s, it is not surprising that people are reporting incredible benefits from consuming coconut oil.

The Clue to Why Low Fat Diet and Statins may Cause Alzheimer’s

An extremely high-fat (ketogenic) diet has been found to improve cognitive ability in Alzheimer's patients. These and other observations described below lead me to conclude that both a low-fat diet and statin drug treatment increase susceptibility to Alzheimer's.

Vitamin D and Cholesterol Needed to Prevent Alzheimer’s – Coconut Oil Provides Needed Fuel for the Brain

Vitamin D and cholesterol are needed to prevent Alzheimer's, and Coconut Oil provides needed fuel for the brain.

Research: Foods/Spices Slow, Perhaps Reverse Alzheimer’s

Did you know that so-called “incurable” neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease can be slowed, if not also partially reversed?

5 Medical Doctors with Gary Taubes and Robb Wolf Discuss Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Disease

Listen to a panel discussion with five medical doctors, Gary Taubes, and Robb Wolf discuss coconut oil and Alzheimer's Disease.

Coconut Oil Reverses Alzheimer’s in Woman Married for 45 Years

My wife started consuming 6 tablespoons of coconut oil plus other natural supplements on a daily basis. Three months later her worst Alzheimer symptoms reversed completely and never came back.

“45 years of prayers being answered” with mother diagnosed with mental illness, and father with Alzheimer’s, after starting Coconut Oil

Praise God for the 45 years of prayers being answered!

Obama Spending Tax Dollars to Develop an Alzheimer’s Vaccine in Colombia

The Obama administration is investing American tax dollars to develop an Alzheimer's vaccine.

Could Low Cholesterol Levels be a Factor in Alzheimer’s Disease?

Suck the water out of brain tissue and what you’re left with is mainly fat. The brain is also very high in cholesterol. This substance actually plays a key role in the normal functioning of the brain.

Alzheimer’s Association Warns Against Coconut Oil – Member Replies “Coconut Oil Gave us our Father Back!”

Why is it that the Alzheimer's Association, with revenues of over $230 million per year, have yet to spend even one cent on studying coconut oil even though they have known about it since 2007?

Woman with End-stage Alzheimer’s Sees Improvement in One Week after Starting Coconut Oil

In one week after starting the coconut oil I have noticed a remarkable improvement in my mother. She is holding lucid conversations and has shown cognative reasoning that I have not seen in her in 3 years.