Cholesterol Plays A Critical Role In Brain Function
Cholesterol is a substance that is innate to the body and forms a critical part of, among other things, key hormones, vitamin D and cell membranes. It’s also very concentrated in the brain...
Cholesterol is a substance that is innate to the body and forms a critical part of, among other things, key hormones, vitamin D and cell membranes. It’s also very concentrated in the brain...
To get 3.5 tablespoons of coconut oil a day into your diet, you would need to take 49 softgel capsules of coconut oil.
Coconut is a member of the palm family, which is not related to nuts or peanuts.
Particularly good for your best adrenal function are lean proteins, and healthy fats such as coconut oil and olive oil.
Fats in general are considered the dietary villains, especially saturated fat, which many people still claim will increase your risk of heart attacks and cardiovascular disease. However, this is simply untrue. Saturated fats are actually vital for optimal health.
We started to add coconut oil in our tea in the morning for added fat for fuel.
Coconut Oil has been used by many different cultures around the globe for years! It’s multi-functional use makes it a great, all-around ingredient for food, hair and your overall health.
A growing body of clinical research now indicates that the cholesterol-lowering class of drugs known as statins, are associated with over 300 adverse health effects.
by Charmaine Leah Cianciullo
We all love beauty and skincare products. They keep our skin looking great but have you ever taken time to read what’s in your favorite products? Far too often they contain all kinds of harmful synthetic chemicals and preservatives. The good news is that you can reduce the amount of chemicals you are exposed to and […]
Dad told Mom about the coconut oil and she refused it – she doesn’t like coconut. But we put the oil in her food anyway and just didn’t tell her. The response has been incredible.
I take coconut oil to control my blood sugar level so I don’t crave food or am constantly thirsty.
Welcome to Kelli Jennings, a Sports Nutrition blogger who is also a Registered Dietitian. Kelly follows the evidence that exists for coconut oil and finds out along the way that she has been misled on conventional dietary wisdom regarding saturated fats.
Dr. Peter Osborne illustrates and explains how the side effects of statin drugs in causing CoQ10 deficiency and causing muscle loss actually increase one’s risk for heart disease.
We added 3-5 tablespoons of coconut oil to our daughter’s diet. Within a week we noticed a new level of clarity. Her speech improved rapidly...
Dr. Karen Becker discusses the importance of coconut oil in your pet's diet.
Makeup artist Kristen Arnett explains why coconut oil is an amazing makeup remover.
The marketing of soy as a ‘health food’ has been so successful that few people realize that respected scientists have warned that possible benefits should be weighed against proven risks.
Africans have been fooled by western ideas of what "healthy" food consists of, which has led to the abandonment of traditional foods such as coconut oil and sea salt.
A client of mine who has had seizures for fifteen years had his first seizure-free week when he worked up to 5 tablespoons of coconut oil per day.
Giving coconut to your pet is an excellent health decision and can improve your pet’s quality of life, but there is a right way and wrong way to start supplementing your dog or cat’s diet with coconut oil.