Flaws In Swedish Study Linking A High Fat Diet With Higher Cholesterol

About a quarter of Swedes have adopted a low carb high fat diet, and the country has even suffered a butter shortage as result.

Dr. Perricone’s Pina Colada Recipe will Leave Your Skin Glowing

This creamy, healthy, and anti aging adaptation of the classic Pina Colada will leave your skin glowing.

Study: Cholesterol Levels not Associated with Heart Disease Risk

There was no relationship to be found between cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease.

Strawberry Cream Pie – Gluten Free and Dairy Free Coconut Oil Recipe

This Strawberry Cream Pie is a simple recipe made from raw fresh ingredients and requires no baking! Dairy-free and gluten-free!

Newest Scam to Increase Statin Cholesterol-lowering Drugs If You’re Older than 50

Statins work by preventing your liver from making cholesterol. As a result, your liver returns the sugar to your bloodstream, which raises your blood sugar levels.

Coconut oil saved my hair from bleach damage

I drenched my hair in coconut oil before, and wow, my hair does not feel damaged at all.

Coconut Oil Reverses Alzheimer’s in Woman Married for 45 Years

My wife started consuming 6 tablespoons of coconut oil plus other natural supplements on a daily basis. Three months later her worst Alzheimer symptoms reversed completely and never came back.

Man 86 with Very Last Stage of Pick’s Dementia is Recovering Personality and Physical Health after Starting Coconut Oil

My father, age 86, has been taking coconut oil since December of 2011 and he is "recovering" his personality as well as his physical health.

“45 years of prayers being answered” with mother diagnosed with mental illness, and father with Alzheimer’s, after starting Coconut Oil

Praise God for the 45 years of prayers being answered!

Cholesterol Lowering Statin Drugs – How The Facts Don’t Back The Hype

The benefits of statins simply do not outweigh the harms.