15 Ways I Use Coconut Oil Every Day

There are many ways to use coconut oil. Learn about 15 uses for coconut oil in this post.

Pain Relieving Coconut Oil Arnica Salve Recipe

Most pain relieving salves contain petroleum products. Learn how to make your own arnica salve with safe ingredients and no toxins with this simple recipe.

Canadian Man Swears by Coconut Oil as Alzheimer’s Remedy

A man on the west coast of Newfoundland claims a new treatment is helping his family cope with the devastating effects of Alzheimer’s disease.

How to add coconut oil to smoothies without the oil clumping

Adding coconut oil to your smoothie is a great way to incorporate more coconut oil into your diet. Learn how to add it without clumping.

Use Oats and Coconut Oil to Rejuvenate your Skin

Commercial skin care products are often full of toxic ingredients that can irritate and harm your skin. Use natural ingredients to help treat your skin in these easy DIY recipes.

A Low-Carb High-Fat Diet with an 80 Year History of Curing Epilepsy: Could it Cure Other Diseases?

The ketogenic diet has been around for 80 years, and it works. It has been used to get kids with epilepsy off of drugs through diet alone. It has been shown to help children with seizures.

Homemade Fresh Tomato Ketchup Recipe With Coconut Oil

Make your own, fresh tomato ketchup at home. This recipe uses coconut oil and is a great way to use up the summer tomato harvest.

Confirmed Again: Statin Drugs Calcify The Coronary Arteries

A new study published in the journal Atherosclerosis found that statin use is associated with a 52% increased prevalence and extent of coronary artery plaques possessing calcium.

$tatin Nation: The Great Cholesterol Cover-Up

We have been led to believe that cholesterol is a major cause of heart disease. A numbers of doctors and researchers have been challenging this hypothesis for decades.

Gallery of Coconut Recipes and Coconut Oil Uses

Each coconut recipe here has been tested and created in the kitchen.