New Study Confirms Health Benefits of Coconut Oil and USDA False Claims Against It

In 2008, a medical doctor in Florida, Dr. Mary Newport, published a case study she did on her husband who was suffering from Alzheimer's Disease (AD). She saw an almost total remission of her husband's AD by giving him coconut oil. She tried to get the word out to more people, and even attended the national Alzheimer's Association meeting to try and share her findings. However, the medical industrial complex was not interested, and they stonewalled Dr. Newport, and even hired guards to follow her around the conference to make sure she did not disseminate her study. In 2012, the Christian Broadcast Network (CBN) did an interview with her, which soon went viral. This news spread so fast, that many other people who had family members with AD began to experiment with Coconut Oil, and the testimonies started pouring in. The Alzheimer's Association, which is nothing more than a front organization for the pharmaceutical industry to develop AD drugs, tried to warn their members against coconut oil, but it didn't work, as it just elicited even more testimonials. I was happy to see that Dr. Newport is still advocating for coconut oil, and exposing the lies of the USDA and the FDA who keep stating that coconut oil is bad for one's health, and leads to heart disease, a theory that has been totally debunked by the science for decades now. Dr. Newport just published a new study in the journal Nutrients, along with a well-known doctor in the Philippines: "Analysis of 26 Studies of the Impact of Coconut Oil on Lipid Parameters: Beyond Total and LDL Cholesterol"

The Healing Oils for Heart Health: Do NOT Trust Your Government for Nutritional Advice

As more and more people in the United States are waking up to the fact that our federal health agencies, such as the FDA and CDC, are corrupt and serve the interests of Wall Street Billionaires and not the public, it is more important than ever to understand the corruption that also exists within the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) and their years of bad nutritional advice that has demonized traditional, healthy fats and oils that have nourished populations for thousands of years, in favor of the newer "polyunsaturated" oils which are toxic, and dangerous to your health. These polyunsaturated "edible oils" have only been in the human food chain since the "expeller-pressed" technology was developed during and following World War II that allowed the U.S. to start producing highly toxic and refined "edible" oils from corn and soybeans, two crops heavily subsidized by taxpayers that allows the U.S. to dominate world edible oil supplies. It was in the 1970s that the "McGovern Report" put forward the nutritional dietary advice of a "low-fat" diet that harmed American's health by condemning traditional fats and oils, but brought great profit to Wall Street investors as Americans switched over to hydrogenated toxic polyunsaturated oils derived from corn and soybeans. They used a theory of heart disease commonly referred to as the "lipid theory" of heart disease that stated certain kind of fats, saturated fats, led to higher levels of cholesterol, and therefore higher risks for heart disease. But even from the beginning and the origin of this theory what was stated in the McGovern Report, many scientists disagreed and called the theory bogus. Today, the lipid theory of heart disease has been thoroughly debunked by real science, and yet official government policy on nutrition continues to support it, for political and economic reasons, but NOT health reasons. To admit that they were wrong all these years on dietary oils, cholesterol, and heart disease, would be to admit that the $BILLIONS they earned during that time from popular cholesterol-lowering drugs, was earned fraudulently, and the biggest player in that industry was Pfizer, and their blockbuster drug Lipitor, the best-selling drug all-time before its patent ran out in 2011. So with Pfizer's newest killer drug, the COVID-19 vaccine, injuring the hearts of many people with myocarditis and pericarditis, especially among the younger age groups, it is more important than ever to understand just which dietary oils are actually healthy for the heart, and which ones are not.

FDA Approves Non-effective New Alzheimer’s Drug Despite Their Own Doctors Recommending AGAINST It

Big Pharma has been trying to create a blockbuster drug for the very lucrative Alzheimer's Disease market for more than a decade. But they have repeatedly failed, mainly because they start with the wrong presuppositions on the cause of Alzheimer's, basing it on "genetics" instead of environmental causes. The over 55 age population has always been a cash cow for Big Pharma, as the most profitable drug of all time was Pfizer's Lipitor, a statin drug that artificially lowers one's cholesterol. Prior to its patent expiring at the end of 2011, no other drug in human history had racked up more sales than this one single drug, as their advertising campaign against cholesterol resulted in doctors placing nearly one out of every four people over the age of 55 on statin drugs to lower their cholesterol. But 25% of our body's cholesterol resides in our brains, so there have been honest researchers over the years, such as Dr. Stephanie Seneff at MIT, who have linked low cholesterol to a rise in Alzheimer's Disease. And so it is no surprise that coconut oil, demonized by Big Pharma, the USDA, the FDA and just about every other regulatory agency in the U.S. since the 1970s, can provide dramatic improvement to Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of dementia, often with dramatic results. See our body of research provided over the years on coconut oil, along with amazingly dramatic testimonials for curing Alzheimer's at We have covered all the previous failures of Big Pharma to produce a drug to treat Alzheimer's over the years, but just this week the FDA finally approved a drug for the treatment Alzheimer's Disease. But as reporter Andrew Joseph of Stat News writes, the FDA did so in spite of the fact that their own 11 doctor expert panel had 10 of those doctors state that "there was not enough evidence to show it could slow cognitive decline," and the 11th doctor voted “uncertain.” And now one of those doctors, Neurologist Joel Perlmutter of Washington University in St. Louis, has resigned.

Study: Virgin Coconut Oil Effective in Reducing COVID Symptoms

Dr. Imelda Angeles-Agdeppa, the director of the Department of Science and Technology’s Food and Nutrition Research Institute in the Philippines, was recently interviewed by CNN-Philippines about a study she led comparing COVID patients who ate a regular hospital diet, with patients who ate the exact same diet but supplemented with Virgin Coconut Oil, according to their body weight. She reported that at the end of 28 days, all of the patients who received the Virgin Coconut Oil supplementation exhibited no more symptoms of COVID-19. This is an interesting study, because the results depended upon COVID symptoms, and not faulty PCR test results, such as those that were used for the COVID mRNA vaccine trials.

Doctors in India Rediscover Coconut Oil’s 4000 Year History in Natural Medicine – Including Destroying Viruses

The July, 2020 issue of the Journal of The Association of Physicians in India has just published an article titled: "Coconut Oil and Immunity: What do we really know about it so far?" The lead author of the study is Dr. Shashank Joshi, Dean of the Indian College of Physicians; Consultant Endocrinologist, Lilavati Hospital & Research Centre and Bhatia Hospital, Mumbai, Maharashtra. It is refreshing to see Indian physicians turn their attention to Ayurvedic natural medicine, and its 4000 year history of recognizing coconut oil as a powerful natural medicine.  Ayurvedic health predates modern western medicine and the pharmaceutical industry by several thousand years in India. The poor people of India have for far too long been the human lab rats for western drugs and vaccines, and it is a key country where Bill Gates has promoted and developed new vaccines as part of his population control agenda. From the Abstract of the study: "Coconut oil as health oil was recognized in Ayurvedic medicine almost 4000 years ago. The same health effects were also attributed to the mother’s milk in ancient literature. Modern research has now found a common link between these two natural health products – their lipid content. The medium chain fatty acids and monoglycerides found primarily in coconut oil have miraculous healing power which act as natural antibiotic and also help modulate immunity. The information discussed in this review explains that coconut oil, either topically applied or ingested, gets broken down to release Lauric Acid and Monolaurin – known anti-microbial agents. The studies reported in literature are discussed to evaluate the antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal benefits of coconut oil. Not only does coconut oil metabolites have antimicrobial activity but also these remarkable derivatives have been shown not to cause resistance organisms to appear. The anti-microbial mechanistic action also helps activate the anti-inflammatory nature of the immune response in human body."

Coconut Oil Seen as Viable Option to Prevent and Treat Alzheimer’s Disease

For more than a decade now, we have been publishing research and testimonials from people who have had success in reversing Alzheimer's Disease with coconut oil. The research and testimonials are published on, part of the Health Impact News network. During this same time period, we have seen the pharmaceutical industry fail over and over again to develop a drug that is effective in treating Alzheimer's Disease. Researchers in Australia are now studying coconut oil, and its unique composition of medium chain fatty acids, as a way to prevent and treat Alzheimer's Disease. Starting from the basis that Alzheimer's Disease is a form of diabetes, referred to in the past as a "Type 3" form of diabetes, or what the Australian researchers refer to as "brain glucose hypometabolism," the research focuses on providing an alternative form of energy to the brain in the form of "ketone bodies." The title of their study is: Potential of coconut oil and medium chain triglycerides in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, published in the March 2020 edition of the journal Mechanisms of Ageing and Development. It is an exhaustive look at the current literature on this topic, with hundreds of references. 

Philippines and Singapore Testing Coconut Oil as Possible Treatment for Coronavirus

Coconut oil, whose health benefits have been proven in the past, will be tested for use as a potential treatment for the novel coronavirus infection. “That [VCO] is being looked into,” Philippine Health Secretary Francisco Duque III told CNN Philippines’ Newsroom on Tuesday. “We have heard very good studies with regard to its ability to neutralize the viruses, but for the COVID- 19, it is not clear,” the top health official added. He made the reaction following Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles' announcement Monday that a former academician from one of the country’s top universities proposed to test coconut oil as COVID-19 treatment amid the absence of a specific treatment. In a research proposal published on January 31, Ateneo de Manila University Professor Emeritus Fabian Antonio Dayrit and Dr. Mary Newport of Spring Hill Neonatolody in Florida, United States proposed to conduct a clinical study on patients infected with the COVID-19 involving VCO, saying “this treatment is affordable and virtually risk-free, and the potential benefits are enormous.” Nograles said the National University of Singapore has agreed to test VCO as a prophylactic against the COVID-19. Current evidence suggests coconut oil and its derivatives are safe and effective antiviral compounds in both humans and animals, the researchers noted. “Several in vitro, animal, and human studies support the potential of coconut oil, lauric acid and its derivatives as effective and safe agents against a virus like nCoV-2019 [COVID-19],” they said.

Coconut Oil’s History in Destroying Viruses, Including Coronaviruses

People living in the Philippines, a country of islands not very far off the coast of China, remember all too well the last time a deadly coronavirus epidemic broke out in China. It was 2003 when the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) coronavirus broke out in China. It infected over 7000 people in China with over 600 recorded deaths. Even with its close proximity to China and large Chinese population in the Philippine nation of about 80 million people, only 14 cases of SARS was reported with two recorded deaths. Canada, many thousands of miles away, had far more cases and more deaths recorded due to SARS infection from China than neighboring Philippine Islands. One of the theories put forward at the time as to why the Filipino people had so few cases, was the country's predominant use of cooking oil: Coconut Oil. The Philippines is the world's largest producer of coconut oil, with about 70% of the world's coconut oil being exported from the country. The medium chain fatty acids of coconut oil, and primarily lauric acid, have been known to destroy enveloped viruses by researchers for many years. Dr. Fabian Dayrit, Ph.D. and Dr. Mary Newport, M.D. have just published a paper regarding coconut oil's potential to also combat the new coronavirus currently infecting people in China.

New Research on Coconut Oil Focuses on Replacing Antibiotics to Combat Antibiotic-resistant Pathogens

Coconut oil is nature's richest source of lauric acid, long known to be a powerful antimicrobial. As a saturated fat, coconut oil is almost 50% lauric acid. Nature's next most abundant source of lauric acid, human breast milk, comes in a distant second. For years now, research (primarily outside of the U.S.) on coconut oil has focused on the use of lauric acid as an adjunct or replacement for antibiotic drugs that have lost their effectiveness due to the emergence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens. 2019 has seen more studies published where coconut oil is studied in this context: how to deal with the emergence of antibiotic resistant pathogens, and the decreasing effectiveness of antibiotic drugs. A Japanese study published in the journal Cell Transplant was especially promising, as it showed that lauric acid could potentially be used as a broad spectrum anti-microbiological agent without disrupting the "good bacteria" in the human gut microbiota.

Study: Lauric Acid from Coconut Oil Proves a Promising Weapon in the Fight Against Antibiotic Resistant Infection with Severe Burns

Lauric acid, found predominately in coconut oil, may be a powerful tool in the prevention of infection and promote wound regeneration in severe burn patients, according to a recent study. Along with research that has previously shown the effectiveness of the use of lauric acid in combatting barrier-disrupting issues, the future for the use of saturated fatty acid in inhibiting infectious Gram-positive microbial bacteria and in skin barrier restoration is promising. A mere thirty years ago patients who had sustained burns over 50% of their body were given little to no hope of survival, a history which stands in stark contrast to the current status where people who have sustained burns covering even ninety percent of their bodies are now capable of recovery, albeit often with serious disabilities.  The increase in survival rates is directly related to the advances made in specialized burn care by the medical community, with better fluid resuscitation, nutritional support, pulmonary care, wound care and infection control playing critical roles. Still, in patients whose burns cover over 40% of the entire body, approximately seventy-five percent of deaths are largely attributable to sepsis from infected wounds or complications derived from infection.  Because the damaged tissue, which in its healthy state would act as a protective barrier, is seriously compromised in burn victims, topical antibiotics are necessary in keeping the moist wounds from becoming hotbeds of infection. The increase in antibiotic-resistant bacteria strains is creating a necessity for researchers to identify substances that are both antibacterial and regenerative. Lauric acid, with its anti-viral and anti-microbial properties, is one such substance that researchers are hopeful may fit the above criteria perfectly.