FDA Sued, Forced to Remove Safety Status on Trans Fats

For over 60 years, saturated fats have been wrongfully accused of causing heart disease, despite evidence showing that saturated fat is actually critical for optimal health while trans fat is the dietary fat causing heart disease.

Dr. Brownstein on New Cholesterol Guidelines: Fugetaboutit

People do not get vascular events from a lack of a statin medication. Vascular events occur from a myriad of reasons including eating a poor diet, dehydration, as well as nutrient and hormonal imbalances.

Cholesterol Numbers Meaningless, but FDA to Approve New Class of Cholesterol-lowering Drugs Anyway

The latest guidelines on preventing cardiovascular disease had a key message that targets for lowering cholesterol levels are now gone. Yet the guidelines now recommend that far more people take statins.

How Coconut Oil Can Replace More Expensive Beauty Products

Coconut Oil can replace hundreds of dollars of various beauty products. Chemical-free natural beauty is best!

Coconut Oil Lifts Brain Fog and Stops Memory Loss for 65 Year Old Women

I’ve been using coconut oil for over a year now and am very pleased to be myself again. The fog is gone and I’m able to drive safely again. I’ve been able to resume my hobbies: knitting and crochet as well.

Cardiologist Speaks Out On The Myth of Bad Saturated Fat, Stating Carbs Are More Damaging Than Butter

A Cardiologist is speaking out stating that almost four decades of advice to cut back on saturated fats found in foods such as butter and meat has paradoxically increased our cardiovascular risks.

ABC Australia Exposes Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drug Scam and Pharmaceutical Criminal Activity

ABC News in Australia has done an incredible investigative report on cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, daring to expose organized crime in the pharmaceutical industry in the U.S.

Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Myth Exposed in Mainstream Media in Australia

Outside of the U.S., the myth that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease is quickly falling apart. People around the world are waking up to these dietary myths, as well as the scam of cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Study: Coconut Oil Could Prevent Neurodegeneration in Diseases like Alzheimer’s

Rather than study the dietary effects of coconut oil, or the ketogenic diet, on neuro-degenerative diseases, this was actually an in vitro study that examined “rodent cortical neurons exposed to AB peptide” and virgin coconut oil, most likely in a petri dish or beaker, inside of a laboratory.

How To Use Coconut Flour

Baking with coconut flour can be tricky. This guide will help you understand how to use coconut flour in your gluten-free baking and keep you from wasting a lot of time and ingredients.