Alzheimer’s Deaths Vastly Under-reported: Actually 3rd Leading Cause of Death

A recent study indicates that Alzheimer’s disease may be one of the leading causes of death in the United States, reporting that Alzheimer’ may be an underlying cause of five to six times as many deaths as currently reported.

Deputy Chairman of British Medical Association Condemns Statins

What is one way to get doctors to wake up to the dangers of the drugs they prescribe? Put them on the same drugs! This technique has worked in the U.K, as leading doctors speak out against the dangers of statin drugs.

What Type of Coconut Oil is Best? How to Choose a Coconut Oil

When we shipped the first "virgin coconut oil" from the Philippines into the U.S. back in 2001, there were only two other commercially available coconut oils being sold as edible oils in the U.S. market. Coconut oil was certainly not popular 13 years ago and there were few choices. If you were using coconut oil as dietary oil back then, chances are you were getting your information about fats and oils from Dr. Mary Enig. Many of her writings have been featured in the Weston A. Price Foundation over the years. Today, one has a plethora of choices when it comes to purchasing coconut oil. So what I am going to do in this article is give you an insider view of the current market, without mentioning any specific brands. Not all coconut oils are produced the same way and the type of coconut oil you purchase will depend on what you plan to do with it. But first, in order to make an intelligent decision about which coconut oil best suits your needs, you need to understand what is currently in the market, and how they differ.

Woman Writes Book on Mother’s Recovery from Alzheimer’s After Starting Coconut Oil

The reason I gave my book this title is because I have no doubt that if we had not found out about coconut oil, my mother would be in a home by now.

Coconut Oil is Beneficial for Your Heart: Shining the Truth on Mainstream Media’s Negative Attacks Against Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been a topic of news in the mainstream media again recently, so let’s look at some of the misinformation that is still being spread about coconut oil.

The Coconut Oil Myths: Exposing Some Common Myths Surrounding Coconut Oil

Coconut oil's popularity continues to increase, and as a result it seems like everyone has something to say about it. Here is a look at some of the most common myths routinely found published on the Internet today.

New Alzheimer’s Drugs Continue to Fail Where Coconut Oil Shines

News here in 2014 is reporting that two more Alzheimer drugs have failed during drug trials. Alzheimer's Disease represents a huge market for pharmaceutical companies, as millions of people are suffering from the disease, and the rate is increasing rapidly. Many pharmaceutical companies are trying to develop Alzheimer's drugs and vaccines. However, if we are to truly understand the Alzheimer's epidemic, we need to stop viewing senior citizens as a lucrative market for pharmaceutical products. The most successful drug of all time, Lipitor, is a cholesterol-lowering drug aimed at seniors that at one time out sold all other drugs combined. It is estimated that today one out every four Americans over the age of 55 is now taking statin drugs to artificially lower their body's cholesterol. Unfortunately, there is research pointing to a lack of cholesterol uptake to the brain as being associated with Alzheimer's patients. Therefore, poor dietary advice and excessive pharmaceutical drugs must be considered as a primary cause of Alzheimer's Disease. All across the globe, people are starting to use coconut oil to treat Alzheimer's Disease, and the results have been nothing less than remarkable. In this report we take a look at some of these stories, as well as looking at research linking the high-fat ketogenic diet to curing many diseases such as Alzheimer's.

Ketogenic Diet Improves Insulin Sensitivity and Numerous Aging Markers

A high-fat low-carb ketogenic diet can optimize your metabolism. Numerous studies have shown that lowering your caloric intake may slow down aging, help prevent age-related chronic diseases, and extend your life.

The Limitations of Science and the Medical Paradigm

Science, powerful as it is, is a false god. Awed by the spectacular material advancements science has brought us, we have come to expect more of science than it is capable of delivering. Many individuals, not recognizing the limitations of science, stand in expectation of results that will never come.

Study: Intermittent Fasting and Ketogenic Diet Effective in Cancer Therapy

This study, published in January 2014, looking at the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting as an adjunct nutritional therapy to be administered to cancer patients undergoing standard radiation therapy in cancer treatment.