
by Paul Fassa
Health Impact News

Saturated fats are commonly solid fats like animal and dairy fats and plant fats like nuts, avocado, and coconut oil. Unprocessed coconut oil remains solid up to 76 degrees Fahrenheit.

It’s impossible to know about a food’s health benefits if the food is officially taboo. The nutritional taboo of saturated fat started by one man’s highly publicized hypothesis that declared dietary saturated fats as the major source of heart disease.

His name was Ancel Keys, a physiologist and researcher with the University of Minnesota who conducted a massive international study called the Seven Countries Study. Even then, several scientists questioned Keys’ epidemiological evidence that led to his hypothetical conclusions.

Ancel Keys made the cover of Time Magazine in 1961, the year when he managed to persuade the American Heart Association (AHA) to issue dietary guidelines that excluded saturated fats. In their place came refined carbohydrates and processed vegetable oils.

By the 1970s, Key’s influence spread to Washington and into the Congressional McGovern Report. That report’s conclusions became part of the official USDA’s official dogma decrying saturated fats and encouraging processed foods with refined carbohydrates and processed trans-fat oils.

Processed oils are low-overhead long-shelf-life items synthesized by food industry lab chemists to create a comprehensive low cost consumer market with  high profit margins.

The processed food business has had a 50 year financial boon.The result has been a rise in obesity, diabetes, and heart disease over this 50 plus years of junk science dietary guidelines.

For example, the totally synthetic created margarine took the place of butter. It was contrived by hydrogenating cheap unsaturated fat vegetable oils to maintain solid forms that resemble butter in appearance and texture along with added chemicals to create color and reduce odors.

Cows grazing on grass or alfalfa that isn’t saturated with chemicals provide meat and butter containing nutrients that are actually heart healthy. Grass-fed is an important distinction. Factory farms and dairies feed their cows grain mushes made from corn and soybean straight from the large Roundup glyphosate soaked fields of GMO corn and soy. But even untainted grains are not part of a normal bovine diet.

As bad as factory farm dairy products are, they’re probably still not as bad for you as the hydrogenated vegetable chemical oil called margarine. However, ideally one should choose free range grass-fed livestock that are not injected with antibiotics and growth hormones for dairy and meat products.

Saturated Fat Lies and Cholesterol Exaggerated Dangers are Fading


Fifty-three years after the 1961 Time cover displaying Ancel Keys, a 2104 issue of Time had this on its cover: “Eat Butter – Scientists labeled fat the enemy. Why they were wrong.” A rare mainstream admission, as most MD s and even some natural health practitioners, still adhere to the hoax of saturated fats causing heart disease and obesity.

By replacing refined carbohydrates and added sugars and HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) for processed low fat or non fat foods, obesity, diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and heart disease have all rapidly risen exponentially.

Experts Speaking Out Against the Saturated Fat Causes Coronary Disease Hoax

The false causation of heart disease from saturated fats true cause is currently scientifically disputed by iconoclastic cardiologists such as Dr. Dwight Lundell, Dr. Stephan Sinatra, Dr. Ron Rosedale, Britain’s Dr. Aseem Malholtra and other cardiologists and health experts who have been courageous enough to publicly speak against the unproven theory of the saturated fat causing heart disease theory.

We use the word courageous because every time you internet search any of those doctors you’ll get several attacking posts from shills who are working to protect the statin drug business, heart surgery practice, and even the processed food industry with their fat substitutes, refined carbohydrates, and added sugar products.

Unlike our USDA, Sweden has officially dropped its guidelines the exclude saturated fats. Here the USDA guidelines are still anti-saturated fat. But at least the FDA has ordered food labels to list trans-fatty acids or trans fats.

University of San Francisco Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology Robert Lustig explains that excess sugar, HFCS, (high fructose corn syrup) and hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, which flooded the market during the low fat no fat craze that eschewed saturated fats, have contributed to an epidemic of obesity, diabetes, and more cardiovascular disease (CVD) than anything resembling saturated fats.

The late Dr. Johanna Budwig is known for her effective cancer curing dietary approach of cold pressed flax seed oil and cottage cheese or quark as its foundation. She’s less known for being one of the worlds leading authorities on fats and oils.

Budwig was nominated for the European version of the Nobel Prize for her classification of fatty acids, which were unknown before her research in Germany circa 1950s.

She also discovered and broadcast the detrimental effects that commercially processed and heated unsaturated vegetable oils, many from GMO crops, create chronic and terminal diseases by lowering cellular electricity and destroying cell membranes.

Her discoveries and proclamations came about as food industries were jumping on the non saturated fat craze with their processed oils. She was also vilified and marginalized for her scientific integrity.

The importance of cholesterol for overall health has been ignored. In 2012, cardiologist William Davis, MD, asserted:

“Cholesterol itself never killed anybody, any more than a bad paint job on your car could cause a fatal car accident.”

Dr. Davis points out how cholesterol was often present in the arterial plaque buildups associated with cardiovascular catastrophes, and not merely as an innocent bystander. Other health experts explain how cholesterol can function as a temporary seal for arterial damage from other sources.

Timothy Noakes, Professor of Exercise and Sports Science, University of Cape Town, South Africa said:

“Focusing on an elevated blood cholesterol concentration as the exclusive cause of coronary heart disease is unquestionably the worst medical error of our time. After reviewing all the scientific evidence I draw just one conclusion – Never prescribe a statin drug for a loved one.”

That’s because our bodies need cholesterol. It is a large part of our brain matter and central nervous system. It stimulates hormones, including what the skin needs to convert sunlight into vitamin D3. Not only are the side effects from statins dangerous, the targeted effect is also.

Unprocessed Virgin Coconut Oil Better Than Safe – It Promotes Healing

Unprocessed coconut oil has been around for centuries in Asia, the Philippines, and Polynesian Islands. A 1981 study on Polynesians whose diets are high in saturated fats from coconuts and coconut oil noted that, “Vascular disease is uncommon in both populations and there is no evidence of the high saturated fat intake having a harmful effect in these populations.”

Cooking with virgin coconut oil allows for a high tolerance of heat. Most other saturated fats contain long chain fatty acids, which tend to be stored as fat in the body if not totally converted to energy.

Lauric acid is a medium chain fatty acid (MCFA) that is easily converted by the liver to produce ketones, which the body’s cells can easily utilize for energy even in lieu of oxygen.

A 2013 study recorded in the journal Chemotherapy sought a safe adjunct to chemotherapy for colon cancer. The study was in vitro (glass contained cultures).

They matched short chain fatty acid (SCFA) butyrate to MCFA lauric acid and determined that, “Compared to butyrate, lauric acid displayed preferential antineoplastic properties, including induction of apoptosis in a CRC [colon cancer] cell line.” Preferential means, unlike chemo drugs, it left normal cells alone.

The major fatty acid in coconut oil is lauric acid. Draw your own conclusions regarding the anti-cancer potential of coconut oil.

Long chain fatty acids from most other saturated fats tend to be not easily converted into cellular energy, leaving some to be stored as fat for future energy needs. Coconut oil’s lauric acid MCFA or MCT (medium chain triglycerides) allows the liver to easily convert the fatty acids into ketones. Ketones are able to be used by the body’s cells for  energetic metabolic needs despite glucose/insulin issues.

Now we come to some impressive empirical results using coconut oil for dementia. Empirical results are usually poo-poohed as anecdotal. Nevertheless,  real life results of non-toxic coconut oil to restrain or reverse Alzheimer’s disease and dementia have been much greater than toxic pharmaceutical attempts.

Some health experts now consider Alzheimer’s diabetes type 3 because of insulin’s inability to usher glucose into brain cells. But those ketones from MCT coconut oil metabolism can substitute for glucose, and enabling glucose deprived brain cells to thrive.

Dr. Mary Newport has demonstrated this by reversing her husband’s advanced Alzheimer’s disease while adding raw coconut oil to his daily diet. She wrote a book about it, Alzheimer’s Disease: What if There Was a Cure, and there have been several reports online describing her husband’s case and how much he benefited from coconut oil.

Others have followed Dr. Newport’s simple procedure with outstanding results. See more about this here.

Ironically, high healthy fat diets also curb obesity and even reduce body fat to contribute toward weight loss. This ultimately reduces the risk and possibly reverses of diabetes 2. Healthy fats are mostly converted to energy without creating and storing excess fatty tissue in the body.

So the concern of gaining fat weight shouldn’t interfere with taking advantage of virgin coconut oil’s health benefits.
