Is the Ketogenic Diet the Cure for Multiple Diseases?

The ketogenic diet was developed at John Hopkins hospital in the 1920s as a natural cure for epilepsy, when drugs failed. There is now promising new research showing that it could be a cure for multiple diseases.

New Report Shows Cholesterol Drugs Cause Muscle and Joint Injuries

According to a report published by JAMA Internal Medicine, cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) have been linked to musculoskeletal and joint injuries and adverse events especially in those pursuing physical activity.

Homemade Coconut Oil Sunscreen Recipe

Most commercial sunscreens contain a wide variety of toxic ingredients. Make your own sunscreen at home using safe oils, including coconut oil.

Coconut Oil Reverses Dementia in an 85 Year Old Man at 35 days

In this video report Steve in Sydney describes how coconut oil reversed dementia in his 85 year old father in only 35 days.

Study: Saturated Fat Not Associated with Risk of Coronary Artery Disease, Coconut Oil and Dairy Fat Healthy

The lipid theory of heart disease continues to crumble. There never was any solid science linking traditional saturated fats and cholesterol to heart disease, but that didn't stop Big Pharma from making billions.

The Truth About Coconut Palm Sugar: The Other Side of the Story!

Coconut palm sugar is gaining a lot of popularity in the U.S., but is it the healthy, sustainable sugar that many tout it to be? As of right now, there is just not enough evidence proving that it is.

Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drugs Provide No Benefit: Study of 4 Million People

Aside from demonstrating that statins provide no benefit to most people, this study also demonstrates that the so-called gold standard, randomized double blinded placebo controlled, study is a farce.

How to make your own Raw Honey Coconut Oil face mask

Both raw honey and coconut oil are nourishing for the skin and have been used for skin care for hundreds of years. Learn how to make a simple raw honey coconut oil face mask at home that will leave your skin feeling soft and hydrated.

Gluten-free Ketogenic Diet with MCTs Reverses Autism and Eliminates Seizures

The ketogenic diet was developed as a natural cure for epilepsy, when drugs failed. Today, the diet therapy is coming back into favor. The results of this modified diet in one girl’s life was that it reversed autism and stopped seizures.

FDA Approves Dangerous and Worthless Cholesterol Drug

Why the FDA would approve this combination of Zetia and Lipitor is beyond belief.

Statin Nation: The Great Cholesterol Cover-Up

There’s serious confusion about cholesterol; whether high cholesterol levels are responsible for heart disease, and whether statins are really the appropriate solution to reduce heart disease risk.

Let Food Be Your Cosmetic: Coconut Oil Outperforms Dangerous Petroleum Body Care Products

After many years of misrepresentation, coconut oil has gained acceptance as not just a wholesome food, but as a medicinal agent capable of both nourishing and healing the body in ways that chemicals can not.

Film to be Made of Father’s Recovery from Alzheimer’s with Coconut Oil

“I lost my dad to Alzheimer’s five years ago and I thought I would never get him back,” said Rashi. “But somehow I have, and it’s the most amazing thing.

Virgin Coconut Oil Bests Mineral Oil for Dermatitis

Virgin coconut oil is superior to mineral oil for lessening both the signs and symptoms of mild to moderate atopic dermatitis in children and senile xerosis in elderly adults.

Why Essential Oils Heal and Drugs Don’t

The medical system can't change. It won't change. It must be replaced.

Easy Coconut Oil Sugar Scrub Recipes

Making your own sugar scrubs at home is easy and inexpensive to do, plus, it allows you to control the quality of the ingredients and avoid toxins. Get three simple recipes in this post.

Turmeric in Coconut Oil Could be Acne Remedy

A new study shows that curcumin and lauric acid, found in turmeric and coconut oil, are effective in treating acne.

Low-Carb Diet May Slow Alzheimer’s Disease

A growing body of research suggests there may be a powerful connection between the foods you eat and your risk of Alzheimer’s and dementia, via similar pathways that cause type 2 diabetes. Some have re-named Alzheimer’s as “type 3 diabetes.”

Kelly Russell, Stylist, Employs Avocado And Coconut Oil For Seriously Glowing Skin

Coconut oil and avocado are a great team when it comes to natural skincare. Stylist, Kelly Russell, employs coconut oil in her daily life and says they leave her skin glowing!

Why Do Governments Recommend Toxic Soybeans Today When They Didn’t A Decade Ago?

Over 90% of soy is genetically modified, contains toxic phytochemicals, is linked to digestive distress, immune system breakdown, loss of libido, and more. Yet, governments seem to think that’s not a problem.