New Studies Continue to Show that Coconut Oil is the Best Oil for Treating Skin Conditions and Maintaining Healthy Skin and Teeth
A current search in the PubMed online database of peer-reviewed studies from the NIH National Library of Medicine continues to show many studies continue to be published on coconut oil and its topical use to treat a wide variety of skin conditions, as well as periodontal health when used with "oil pulling" to clean one's mouth and teeth. Coconut oil’s ability to nourish and heal the skin has been known in the tropics for hundreds of years. Even when the anti-saturated fat campaign waged in the US starting in the 1970s convinced many even in coconut oil producing countries to switch to polyunsaturated oils, Filipinos and others never stopped using coconut oil on their skin because they knew about its wonderful moisturizing and healing powers for generations. As a saturated fat consisting primarily of medium chain fatty acids (MCTs), it is not easily oxidized and does not cause harmful free radical damage like polyunsaturated vegetable oils. Filipinos are well-known for their youthful appearance and soft, wrinkle-free skin, even though they live in a climate that exposes them to the sun’s rays year round. Skin cancer is basically unknown in the Philippines, even with all of their exposure to the tropical sun. Since coconut oil is their main dietary oil, and is also the main ingredient in their skin care products, one must take a closer look at how Virgin Coconut Oil provides skin health.