New Cholesterol-lowering Drug During Trials Caused Death

The cholesterol theory leaves behind a litany of drugs that promised a lot, and delivered little and even harmed people.

Flaws In Swedish Study Linking A High Fat Diet With Higher Cholesterol

About a quarter of Swedes have adopted a low carb high fat diet, and the country has even suffered a butter shortage as result.

Study: Cholesterol Levels not Associated with Heart Disease Risk

There was no relationship to be found between cholesterol levels and risk of heart disease.

Newest Scam to Increase Statin Cholesterol-lowering Drugs If You’re Older than 50

Statins work by preventing your liver from making cholesterol. As a result, your liver returns the sugar to your bloodstream, which raises your blood sugar levels.

Cholesterol Lowering Statin Drugs – How The Facts Don’t Back The Hype

The benefits of statins simply do not outweigh the harms.

Is Inflammation, Not LDL Cholesterol, the Real Culprit Behind Heart Disease?

No studies have ever tested the effect of treating LDL cholesterol levels to below a certain point.

FDA Admits Statins Cause Memory Loss, Liver Damage, and Diabetes

The FDA issued new guidelines regarding the management of individuals taking statins.

Could Low Cholesterol Levels be a Factor in Alzheimer’s Disease?

Suck the water out of brain tissue and what you’re left with is mainly fat. The brain is also very high in cholesterol. This substance actually plays a key role in the normal functioning of the brain.

Cardiologist Speaks Out Against Current Cholesterol Guidelines

Harlan Krumholz, professor of medicine and cardiologist at the Yale University School of Medicine, says there is no scientific basis to support treating LDL targets.

Statin Drugs Create Over 60,000 New Diabetics Each Year

One in four Americans aged 45 and older take statin drugs to lower cholesterol

LDL Cholesterol May Protect Us against Cancer

A new discovery adds to the growing list of health benefits of LDL cholesterol.

Putting The Myth To Rest: There Is No Such Thing As Bad Cholesterol

One of the biggest health myths propagated in western culture and certainly in the United States, is the correlation between elevated cholesterol and cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Cholesterol Plays A Critical Role In Brain Function

Cholesterol is a substance that is innate to the body and forms a critical part of, among other things, key hormones, vitamin D and cell membranes. It’s also very concentrated in the brain...

Consumer Alert: 300+ Health Problems Linked To Cholesterol-Lowering Statin Drugs

A growing body of clinical research now indicates that the cholesterol-lowering class of drugs known as statins, are associated with over 300 adverse health effects.

Statin Cholesterol-lowering Drugs and CoQ10 Deficiency: The Medicine is the Problem, NOT the Cure!

Dr. Peter Osborne illustrates and explains how the side effects of statin drugs in causing CoQ10 deficiency and causing muscle loss actually increase one’s risk for heart disease.

Coconut Oil Increases Good Cholesterol and Lowers Abdominal Obesity

A study has shown that dietary supplementation with coconut oil may result in a reduction in waist circumference and other benefits.

Coconut Oil Increases Cholesterol, Yet is Still Healthy for Your Heart

Coconut oil raises your total cholesterol. The paradox? It actually has a positive effect on cholesterol, and contains types of fats that may even help prevent heart disease.