New Studies Show Coconut Oil Helps Combat Stress and Anxiety and is Heart Healthy

Two peer-reviewed studies published recently (March of 2018) continue the trend of showing coconut oil's health benefits and debunking the official USDA government nutrition dogma that saturated fats are bad for one's health. The first study, published in the journal Food & Function, shows evidence that coconut oil helps combat stress and anxiety. The second study, published in the British Medical Journal, compared diets consuming mainly coconut oil, olive oil, or butter, and concluded that coconut oil significantly lowered C reactive protein, a marker of inflammation, and had positive blood lipid profiles in those consuming coconut oil as their main dietary oil.

The Energy Blueprint: FREE “Double Your Energy” Video Masterclass

Ari Whitten, a #1 best-selling author, nutritionist, and renowned fatigue expert is the founder of The Energy Blueprint. He is offering a FREE online Masterclass Series to help you beat fatigue and double your energy.

Years of Pelvic Pain from Endometriosis Gone After Ingesting Virgin Coconut Oil for Six Months

I have been ingesting and massaging my skin with Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO), for the past 6 months. I warm it up in tea, use it in cooking. I have been suffering and in lots of pain, for many years. The results that I have had with VCO have been astounding. I have had Stage 4 - Endometriosis, low grade sinus infections, internal parasites, super dry skin, cold sores, colds, fevers, ear aches, migraines, dental infections and spider veins, since my early teens. Over the past six months, my low grade sinus infections have 100% cleared. My spider veins are diminishing in size and color. The knottiness, the pain and swellings, are gone. Migraines, are gone. I had Keratosis Pilar, on my arm. I have been massaging VCO on them for two weeks. They popped off the other day. Bled profusely for five minutes, then stopped. Now, there is a tiny red dot, and the under swelling is gone. The biggest (visible) change is the 30 pound weight loss, without exercise or struggle. And even more miraculous, I had ENDOMETRIOSIS, since early teens, with all sorts of pain and distress. Retrograde Endometriosis, five surgeries, hysterectomy and pain meds, and, more surgeries. To find a natural, plant based product, which can eliminate or reduce the Endometriosis from a human body, without drugs or surgery, is a miracle! I have NOT been pelvic pain free, since I was about 10 years old. I am PAIN FREE, right now. I would have never believed you, if you told me that VCO, with 6 months of ingestion would make me pelvic pain free!! I have only good words, to say about VCO and its amazing life changing abilities.

Natural and Non-toxic Options for Treating Hepatitis C or Liver Inflammation

The Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is called the "Dragon" because it can infect humans and remain dormant for 20 years or more, then awaken as an aggressive foe to attack its host. Thus, Hepatitis-C is considered a future epidemic among baby-boomers who went through the 1960s and got infected from blood transfusions or self injecting drug experiments with shared needles. Their sleeping dragons will be awakening at any time and plunging them into dire health or death. Recent "discoveries" of new ways Hep-C can be spread also makes those sleeping dragon carriers that could potentially infect others. This official medical story is guaranteed to raise revenues for Big Pharma as they produce and promote, even on TV, their latest drugs for Hepatitis or Hep-C. Research is also underway for Hep-C vaccines. Although Hep-C can easily develop into cirrhosis requiring a liver transplant, a lot of the pumped up hysteria of a looming Hep-C epidemic is highly suspicious, especially since there have been several clinical and anecdotal successful Hep-C cures achieved with only dietary changes and natural supplements, including coconut oil.

FREE Holistic Oral Health Summit: Learn Why Hidden Poisons in Your Mouth Cause Cancer, Arthritis, Heart Disease and More

The Holistic Oral Health Summit is online and FREE from March 12-19, 2018. You’ve heard about it on the news. Millions of people are suffering from all kinds of health problems and diseases. And many of these diseases are deadly. But did you know that problems in your MOUTH might be causing a whopping 80% of these diseases? All caused by modern dental practices and common oral infections. The legendary physician Reinhard Voll, M.D. discovered this shocking fact after 40 years of scientific research. Think about it. If you’re suffering from health problems or chronic disease, chances are very high that the problem started in your mouth. These hidden poisons can cause cancer. Heart disease. Arthritis. Diabetes. Chronic migraines. Alzheimer’s. Bladder problems. And more. You can get them from a routine dentist visit. Or they can develop on their own. So why haven’t you heard about this from your doctor? The truth is most doctors don’t know. That’s because the medical establishment has been working hard to ban this information. There’s too much at stake… you’ll learn more about that soon. The good news is: we’re not keeping quiet. You and your loved ones have a right to know these life-saving facts.

Study: Coconut Oil Effective in Treating Antibiotic Resistant Pathogens

A bacterial pathogen that’s difficult to treat, which often breeds in hospitals, and also easily infects those using antibiotics or other pharmaceutical medications for gastrointestinal issues is Clostridium difficile (klos-TRID-e-um dif-uh-SEEL). This pathogenic bacterium also goes by C. difficile or C. diff, or even just CDF. As we enter the age of antibiotic resistant bacteria, which are usually developed in hospitals, causing increased death by medicine (iatrogenic), an awareness of the medicinal aspects of coconut oil has arisen through anecdotal experiences and several independent studies indicating coconut oil could be a solution for failing pharmaceutical antibiotics. A new study shows that the primary fatty acid chain in coconut oil, lauric acid, is effective in inhibiting antibiotic resistant Clostridium difficile. A combination in vitro and in vivo study was performed by researchers in Taiwan during 2017 and published in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology in January 2018 with the title: Lauric Acid Is an Inhibitor of Clostridium difficile Growth in Vitro and Reduces Inflammation in a Mouse Infection Model. The researchers noted in their full study text: “As the primary FA [fatty acid] of coconut oil is lauric acid (45–53%), it is of great interest to utilize coconut oil as a source of lauric acid. In a mouse infection model, lauric acid consumption decreased CDF-induced colon inflammation and diarrhea, supporting the hypothesis that lauric acid is a potential compound for CDF treatment.”

Rising From the Depths of Diabetes and Obesity – FREE Online 9-Part Docuseries

Last year Oxford scientist, Dr. David Matthews, compared diabetes to The Black Death of the 21st century. 1 out of 2 Americans now have diabetes or pre-diabetes, and 70% don't even know it. 2 out of 3 people with diabetes will die of a heart attack, and diabetes is a leading cause of death by stroke. As of 2017 40% of American adults are now obese, and a shocking 20% of our kids, making them up to 5X as likely to get diabetes. The FREE Online Docuseries, iThrive! Rising from the Depths of Diabetes and Obesity, features 55 world-renowned scientists, doctors, and experts. It begins February 27, 2018. Our host, Jon McMahon, is a 53-year-old morbidly obese man who has had a diabetic heart attack and has been told another heart attack or stroke could come without warning. He chooses to embark on a journey to understand why no amount of money or medicine is stopping the twin pandemics of diabetes and obesity, what's really causing it and how to prevent and reverse it. He heads out as a one-man-documentary camera crew... against his doctors’ orders. He knew that he might not have lived to see the docuseries go live to the world, but believes his mission was worth risking his life for. Our host has now applied what he’s learned from the docuseries experts and has lost 45 lbs in recent weeks. His fasting blood sugar is 85 now. He’s living the transformation!

Study: Antioxidants in Virgin Coconut Oil Counteract Environmental Pollutants and Improve Cardiovascular Health

A new study published in Avicenna Journal of Phytomedicine sheds further light on how coconut oil, virgin coconut oil in particular, enhances cardiovascular health, in direct contradiction to the U.S. government claims that coconut oil leads to heart disease. As is to be expected, much of the research published in peer-reviewed journals showing that coconut oil enhances heart health in recent years has been conducted outside the U.S., in tropical cultures where coconuts grow. These countries are finding out for themselves that they have been misled by U.S. policy that condemns their native diets which includes coconuts and coconut oil. This current study conducted in Nigeria looked at the pathogenic role of cadmium (Cd) and its exposure in the induction of dyslipidemia implicated in the development and increasing incidence of cardiovascular diseases, and explored whether polyphenolics isolated from virgin coconut oil (VCO) could prevent Cd-induced dyslipidemia. The researchers concluded: "The co-administration of VCO polyphenol with Cd remarkably restored lipid profile and cardiovascular risk ratios and stabilized antioxidant defense systems comparable to control group. This is the first study presenting that polyphenols isolated from VCO prevent Cd-induced lipid abnormalities and cardiovascular risk ratios by improving antioxidant defense systems."

FREE Online 10-Part Video Masterclass on Using Essential Oils for Abundant Living

Dr. Eric & Sabrina Ann Zielinski (affectionately known as Dr. Z & Mama Z) just finished producing a 10-Part Video Masterclass that will give you the confidence that you need to make healing remedies for your body & non-toxic natural recipes for your home with essential oils. This Global Premiere of Essential Oils for Abundant Living runs online for FREE this February 20 – March 1. Distilling down what takes aromatherapists months and even years to learn, the Essential Oils for Abundant Living Masterclass delivers an easy-to-follow roadmap so you can start to use essential oils in your home with confidence. Consider this an all-you-can-sniff buffet of expert aromatherapy tips and DIY hacks to help you and your family enjoy abundant health with essential oils! If used properly, essential oils are one of the safest, most powerful natural remedies and we have a long history of use to guide us on our journey. And the best part? They have virtually no side effects, if you use them the right way! Discover how to give your medicine cabinet a makeover and start to use essential oils for abundant living today!

How Coconut Oil and Natural Remedies Can Help Control Candida Yeast Infections

Candida overgrowth or yeast infections have been on the rise over the past few decades. Mainstream medicine offers little or nothing toward resolving candida or yeast infections that have been internalized. Although mostly written about and publicized by women for women, it occurs in both men and women. Candida yeast colonies are known to sequester pollutants, heavy metals, and even cancers that develop into tumors. Controversial Italian oncologist, Dr. Tulio Simoncini, even declared that cancer is yeast. However, others maintain the candida yeast is simply an environmental symbiotic support for cancer. Perhaps over 40 million Americans suffer from various candida ailments that are discomforting precursors to worsening health. Many who are afflicted are not that aware that candida is the source of their problems. If it gets into the blood and spreads throughout the body it can become debilitating and possibly life-threatening candidosis or candidiasis. There is good research showing that coconut oil can kill Candida yeast and help prevent Candida infections.