Statins do not save women’s lives

There is evidence that statins are often ineffective, and evidence suggests this is particularly true for women.

Adding Cholesterol to Diet Reduces Autism Symptoms

The cholesterol has changed our life. It is exactly what she needed, and the development started almost immediately.

Natural Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment with Coconut Oil

Now we have a gentle oil, hair that smells like coconuts, and pure organic goodness

Woman’s Skin Heals from Toxins of Cosmetics by Applying Coconut Oil

She used the coconut oil everyday without applying any chemical cosmetics and now her skin is back to normal.

Study: High cholesterol diet helps mice with fatal genetic disease of the brain

A diet high in cholesterol may help people with a fatal genetic disease which damages the brain, according to early studies in mice.

New Cholesterol-lowering Drug During Trials Caused Death

The cholesterol theory leaves behind a litany of drugs that promised a lot, and delivered little and even harmed people.

Research: Foods/Spices Slow, Perhaps Reverse Alzheimer’s

Did you know that so-called “incurable” neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease can be slowed, if not also partially reversed?

5 Medical Doctors with Gary Taubes and Robb Wolf Discuss Coconut Oil and Alzheimer’s Disease

Listen to a panel discussion with five medical doctors, Gary Taubes, and Robb Wolf discuss coconut oil and Alzheimer's Disease.

Sugar, Not Fats and Oils, is What is Causing the Obesity Epidemic

We are, on average, heavier than we were in the 60s. And not because we’re eating more or exercising less – we just unwittingly became sugar addicts

Coconut Oil-Apple Cider Vinegar for Opiate Drug Detox

While I go through opiate detox, my body is also detoxing off of toxins in the foods I have been eating and this is a great cleanse that is working for me.