Photo by KerryAnn Foster
by KerryAnn Foster
Cooking Traditional Foods
I’ve long been a fan of muscle rubs after a day of hard labor. The first time I tried one, I had spent the day mucking out the chicken coop and doing heavy labor building and preparing raised garden beds. The herbal rub gave me significant relief from the backache, stiff knees, and shoulder pain that followed the next morning when I was so sore I didn’t want to get out of bed.
In the next few months, I found that the muscle rub was actually good for a wide variety of things. I have used this rub for minor burns, a twisted ankle, scrapes, and eczema with success.
Herbal folklore says that chickweed is good for joint pain and skin irritation including eczema and psoriasis. Native Americans used it in poultices for wounds. It is thought to encourage tissue repair and soothe inflammation. Comfrey root is good for external use only. Herbal folklore uses it to soothe inflammation, reduce swelling and promote the healing of injuries and strains.
I now make one double batch of this muscle rub per year and keep it on hand for muscle stiffness, skin irritation and any injuries that might occur. If you would like this rub to be thicker or thinner, simply adjust the amount of beeswax in the recipe.
Coconut Oil Muscle Rub
1½ cups olive oil
1½ cups expeller-pressed coconut oil
2-4 Tbs cut and sifted chickweed leaves
2-4 Tbs dried comfrey root
2 Tbs grated beeswax
In a small crock-pot, stir together the oils and the herbs. Cover and set on low heat for 4 hours. Uncover, unplug the crock-pot and allow to cool enough to handle the mixture. Strain the mixture through a clean towel or cheesecloth to remove the herbs, squeezing to remove as much oil as possible. Reserve the oil and discard the used herbs.
Place the reserved oil into a saucepan and add the beeswax. Place over low heat and stir until the beeswax melts. Whisk thoroughly and pour into a dark, clean glass container with a tight-fitting lid. Allow to harden before use.
About the Author
KerryAnn Foster blogs at Cooking Traditional Foods and has authored multiple books and eBooks. She writes the longest running traditional foods Menu Mailer available, now in its fifth year. KerryAnn founded Nourished Living Network, a network for traditional food bloggers, in 2011. KerryAnn has ten years of traditional foods experience. Read about KerryAnn’s journey to health through celiac disease, food allergies, obesity, adrenal fatigue and heavy metals.
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