Japanese Research Exposes Statin Scam: People with High Cholesterol Live Longer

Four Japanese researchers published an analysis on cholesterol guidelines and statin drugs in the April 2015 edition of the Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, the Scottish doctor who wrote "The Great Cholesterol Con" recently stated on his blog that he has read the entire 116 page review: "For many years I have told anyone who will listen that, if you have a high cholesterol level, you will live longer. Equally, if you have a low cholesterol level, you will die younger. This, ladies and gentlemen, is a fact. The older you become the more beneficial it is to have a high cholesterol level. This fact has become more difficult to demonstrate recently as so many people have been put on statins that the association between cholesterol levels and mortality has been twisted, bent and pumelled into the weirdest shapes imaginable. However, Japan, provides some very interesting data."

Weekly Menu Plan: Coconut Recipes for 7 Days of Meals

Are you craving fresh inspiration for your dinner plate? We're here to help you discover wholesome and dependable recipes that will nourish you and your family every night of the week. This go-to guide includes 7 entrée recipes + side dish and dessert recommendations that your dinner guests won't find dull. You'll discover that our coconut recipes not only produce great meals, they also encourage a higher quality of life by helping you get away from processed foods found in grocery stores, and back in the kitchen participating in the age-old community of scientists and artist who love to create excellent meals from whole food ingredients. We hope you'll enjoy the flavors, the process, and the conversations you'll be having around your table. Let's get cooking!

Another Study Shows Strong Link Between Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drugs and Diabetes

Another study has confirmed that statin drug use increases one's chance of developing diabetes. Statin drugs are the all-time leading prescription drugs sold in the U.S. and around the world, prescribed by doctors to lower people's cholesterol levels. It is estimated that one out of every 4 people in the United States over the age of 50 is currently taking statin drugs for cholesterol. This current study just published looked at 26,000 beneficiaries of Tricare, the military health system. They found that those taking statin drugs to control their cholesterol were 87 percent more likely to develop diabetes. The study was published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. This just the latest study to link statin drugs to diabetes, especially in women. Studies published in 2014 caused over 2000 lawsuits to be filed against Pfizer, the maker of the best-selling drug of all-time, Lipitor.

Study: Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drugs Worsen Coronary Calcium Tests

Coronary artery calcification has been found to be associated with cardiovascular events. In other words, there are more cardiovascular events when there is a higher coronary artery calcification score. The coronary calcium score can be measured with a coronary CT scan or a coronary intravascular ultrasound scan. Coronary scans are frequently ordered by cardiologists and primary care physicians. If the coronary calcium score on the CT is elevated, the doctor is most likely to prescribe a statin medication. You might think that a statin medication, if it was effective at treating and preventing heart disease, would be shown to decrease coronary calcium burden. Well, you would think wrong. Statin drugs are the most profitable drugs in the history of Big Pharma. Presently, over 28% of all U.S. adults take a statin drug. Statins are prescribed by doctors to treat high cholesterol levels and heart disease. Furthermore, the Powers-That-Be proclaim that statins will prevent a healthy person from getting heart disease. Remember, just because the Powers-That-Be continue to make the above statements does not make them true.

Study: Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil Decreased Plaque and Gingivitis

A 2015 study published in the Nigeria Medical Journal looked at the effect of "oil pulling" with coconut oil on plaque formation and plaque induced gingivitis. The study was conducted in the Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Kannur Dental College, in Kerala, India. Oil pulling is a technique that has become popular where one takes a spoonful of coconut oil and swishes it around in their mouth (without swallowing) for 15 minutes or so. Many health benefits are claimed from following such a practice, but so far published research has only documented the dental benefits. Even "mainstream" dentists in the United States are reporting benefits they are seeing in their patient's dental health among those who regularly practice oil pulling.