New Studies Continue to Show that Coconut Oil is the Best Oil for Treating Skin Conditions and Maintaining Healthy Skin and Teeth

A current search in the PubMed online database of peer-reviewed studies from the NIH National Library of Medicine continues to show many studies continue to be published on coconut oil and its topical use to treat a wide variety of skin conditions, as well as periodontal health when used with "oil pulling" to clean one's mouth and teeth. Coconut oil’s ability to nourish and heal the skin has been known in the tropics for hundreds of years. Even when the anti-saturated fat campaign waged in the US starting in the 1970s convinced many even in coconut oil producing countries to switch to polyunsaturated oils, Filipinos and others never stopped using coconut oil on their skin because they knew about its wonderful moisturizing and healing powers for generations. As a saturated fat consisting primarily of medium chain fatty acids (MCTs), it is not easily oxidized and does not cause harmful free radical damage like polyunsaturated vegetable oils. Filipinos are well-known for their youthful appearance and soft, wrinkle-free skin, even though they live in a climate that exposes them to the sun’s rays year round. Skin cancer is basically unknown in the Philippines, even with all of their exposure to the tropical sun. Since coconut oil is their main dietary oil, and is also the main ingredient in their skin care products, one must take a closer look at how Virgin Coconut Oil provides skin health.

New Study Confirms Health Benefits of Coconut Oil and USDA False Claims Against It

In 2008, a medical doctor in Florida, Dr. Mary Newport, published a case study she did on her husband who was suffering from Alzheimer's Disease (AD). She saw an almost total remission of her husband's AD by giving him coconut oil. She tried to get the word out to more people, and even attended the national Alzheimer's Association meeting to try and share her findings. However, the medical industrial complex was not interested, and they stonewalled Dr. Newport, and even hired guards to follow her around the conference to make sure she did not disseminate her study. In 2012, the Christian Broadcast Network (CBN) did an interview with her, which soon went viral. This news spread so fast, that many other people who had family members with AD began to experiment with Coconut Oil, and the testimonies started pouring in. The Alzheimer's Association, which is nothing more than a front organization for the pharmaceutical industry to develop AD drugs, tried to warn their members against coconut oil, but it didn't work, as it just elicited even more testimonials. I was happy to see that Dr. Newport is still advocating for coconut oil, and exposing the lies of the USDA and the FDA who keep stating that coconut oil is bad for one's health, and leads to heart disease, a theory that has been totally debunked by the science for decades now. Dr. Newport just published a new study in the journal Nutrients, along with a well-known doctor in the Philippines: "Analysis of 26 Studies of the Impact of Coconut Oil on Lipid Parameters: Beyond Total and LDL Cholesterol"

The FDA has NOT Banned Trans Fats! Traditional Saturated Fats like Coconut Oil Continue to Shine for Alzheimer’s Disease but are Condemned by U.S. Dietary Advice

It has been widely reported in the Alternative Media this month that the FDA has banned trans fats, and that they will no longer be allowed in foods starting December 22, 2023. Please note: if you believe that the FDA always tells us the truth because they want to protect us, then there is no need for you to read any further. Go on trusting them and their advice for drugs, vaccines, and food. Just make sure your estate is in order, as it has been widely shown that following the FDA's advice leads to shortened lifespans. If, on the other hand, you understand that the FDA is simply the marketing branch for Big Pharma and Big Food, which looks out for THEIR best interests and how to maximize profits, and that it is almost always wise to do the exact OPPOSITE of what the FDA recommends, then read on. I have thoroughly researched this claim, and as far as I can see this (dis)information originates from a single article published on Epoch Times by Mary Gillis. I have searched the FDA website to find the most current news and rulings on this issue of deadly trans fats, and there is nothing on the FDA's website about "banning" trans fats. In fact, they still allowed it in small quantities for edible oils, and the food manufacturers do not have to list them on their labels as long as they are below the "accepted" limits the FDA has determined are allowable for poisons in foods. Trans fats are toxic byproducts produced by hydrogenating polyunsaturated oils, such as vegetable oils derived from soybeans and corn, two subsidized cash crops in the U.S. that were only used to extract oil from after WW II and the development of seed "expeller-pressed" technology. Prior to WW II, these "dietary" oils did not exist in the human food chain. What we had instead were the traditional fats and oils that nourished our ancestors: Saturated Fats. They are found in animal sources, such as lard, tallow, and butter, and also from vegetable sources such as coconut and palm "oil". These are known as the "tropical oils", as in their native environment in the tropical countries they tend to stay liquid at room temperature, but are mostly solid (fats) in northern climates, such as North America and Europe. When the Japanese cut off the shipping lanes from the tropical countries to the U.S. and Europe during WW II, American food processors began hydrogenating polyunsaturated oils like corn and soy to make then mimic saturated fats. Years later, it was determined that the byproducts from these hydrogenated oils were toxic and disease-causing, and many nations started banning them. The rational thing to do would have been for the U.S. Government to reverse their harmful "low-fat" diet advice and only promote polyunsaturated oils as "healthy", and return to the traditional saturated fats that our ancestors grew up consuming. But no, that could never be, as it would take away corporate profits at the expense of having healthier fats and oils benefit Americans' health. It would also remove their main motive to promote cholesterol-lowering drugs, as they need to demonize saturated fats by scaring everyone that if they consume them, they will have high cholesterol that leads to heart disease, the "lipid theory" of heart disease that has been widely debunked in the scientific literature. The Globalists know that traditional saturated fats are healthy: they just don't want YOU to know, because it decreases their profits in Big Pharma and Big Food. However, since the early 1930s it has been known that a diet high in saturated fat is not only NOT unhealthy, but it can actually cure disease.

The Evidence of Coconut Oil’s Superiority Over Drugs in Destroying Pathogens Continues to be Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals

The U.S. Government's official position on coconut oil today continues to be that it is dangerous for your health, and that you should either avoid it altogether, or only consume very modest amounts. The reason that has been given for this official position for over four decades now, is because it is primarily a "saturated fat" which they want you to believe leads to high levels of cholesterol and heart disease. But nothing could be further from the truth, as the whole "lipid theory" of heart disease has been completely debunked, along with U.S. Government dietary advice that condemns saturated fats, which are found primarily in animal fats and dairy, as well as in some vegetable sources such as coconuts and palm nuts. Saturated fats have been part of the human food chain for thousands of years. Our ancestors here in the U.S. settled in this country consuming primarily these saturated fats, such as lard, beef tallow, and of course, butter. Tropical countries where coconut palms grow have consumed the tropical oils of coconut and palm fruit oils for thousands of years. And prior to the industrial age that began after World War II, heart disease was not a major cause of death. The technological advances that came out of WW II gave us the ability to extract oils from plant sources that were never part of the human food chain, and that included primarily the expeller-pressed seed oils from corn and soy, which today are the main GMO crops that are sprayed heavily with glyphosate and a whole host of other herbicides and pesticides. These polyunsaturated oils prior to the industrial age were only consumed as whole foods in nuts and seeds, since the technology did not exist prior to that to extract them with simpler technology, and these polyunsaturated oils have to be heavily refined just to make them shelf stable. I have made it a personal standard for myself and my family over the years to NOT consume any dietary oil or fat that has not been in the food chain for at least 1000 years, which includes olive oil, sesame seed oil, black cumin seed oil, coconut oil, and palm oil from plant sources, and lard, beef tallow and butter from animal sources. When it comes to coconut oil, the real reason why the U.S. Government attacks it is because they are protecting their lucrative drug industry, because the peer-reviewed medical literature shows that coconut oil can cure multiple diseases that Big Pharma wants to sell you drugs to "cure" instead. (But their drugs don't "cure" because curing sickness is a terrible business model and eliminates their repeat customers.) At the top of this list of drugs is antibiotics, and the peer-reviewed medical literature has shown that the fatty acids in coconut oil destroy pathogens since at least the 1960s. And those studies continue to be published today, although usually outside the U.S. One of the latest ones to be published is in the journal Advances in experimental medicine and biology this month (August, 2023), titled: Antimicrobial Potential of Cocos nucifera (Coconut) Oil on Bacterial Isolates.

Study: Virgin Coconut Oil Protects Neuronal Damage and Mortality after a Stroke Incidence

Researchers from Japan and the Philippines have just published a new study conducted on "stroke-prone" hypertensive rats that indicate Virgin Coconut Oil can help prevent neuronal damage and deaths due to strokes. Given the fact that we have seen an astounding 100,000% increase in strokes recorded in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) following COVID-19 vaccines, this is good news for those seeking to minimize or reverse the effects of COVID-19 vaccines.

Another Phase 3 Trial Failure to Develop an Alzheimer’s Drug Shows Why Virgin Coconut Oil is Needed to Prevent Dementia

After more than a decade of failed drug trials and $billions lost in research to try and bring an Alzheimer's drug to market, maybe the pharmaceutical industry is finally ready to admit that they don't really understand what causes Alzheimer's disease. It was announced earlier this week that Roche had failed for the second time to develop a successful Alzheimer's drug. I have been reporting on the failure of Big Pharma to produce an Alzheimer's drug for over a decade now, along with publishing numerous testimonies of how many people have reversed the effects of Alzheimer's and dementia by using Virgin Coconut Oil in their diet, especially if it is part of an overall ketogenic diet which emphasizes healthy high fats, moderate levels of protein, and small amounts of carbohydrates. There is strong evidence that one of the main contributing factors for Alzheimer’s Disease is a diet too low in fats and excessive pharmaceutical drugs. The low-fat dietary advice, and the demonization of cholesterol, has led to poor health and the development of worthless and harmful statin drugs. The data and evidence on the health benefits of coconut oil and the ketogenic diet are overwhelming today, not only for Alzheimer’s Disease, but for a whole host of other diseases as well. I have also written a booklet that not only covers the research and testimonials on how Virgin Coconut Oil has helped so many people with Alzheimer's and dementia, but also includes dietary advice on how to include coconut oil into one's diet and other tips on Holistic Geriatric Care. I am offering this booklet to the public for free....

FDA Food Police want to Dictate What Foods are “Healthy” in New Guidelines Criminalizing Traditional Fats Like Butter and Coconut Oil

The criminal U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) yesterday published new proposed rules dictating when food products can have the word “healthy” on their packaging and when they cannot. The problem is that you should not trust the FDA to tell you which foods are healthy and which foods are not, anymore than you should trust them when they claim that COVID-19 vaccines are "safe and effective." The FDA does NOT exist to protect you, the public, but corporate America and the Globalists that control Wall Street and the Bankers. Just as the FDA serves the interests of Big Pharma and their interests in promoting vaccines and other highly toxic and dangerous drugs, so too they serve the interests of Big Food and Big Ag, and the three main cash crops that each year are heavily subsidized with American tax dollars to achieve world food dominance which are: corn, soybeans, and wheat. So is it any coincidence that FDA dietary nutritional advice places a heavy emphasis on foods developed from these three cash crops? Not only are these three cash crops used to attain world dominance in cheap export foods that local economies in poorer nations cannot compete with by growing their own native crops, these three crops from the U.S. are also the most polluted and contaminated crops in the U.S., as over 90% of all corn and soybeans grown are genetically modified (GMO) varieties that are heavily sprayed with herbicides and pesticides, including glyphosate which is known for causing cancer. And while wheat so far does not have any GMO varieties being grown commercially, most varieties are grown in the northern states such as the Dakotas and Wyoming, where the crops are "desiccated" at harvest by spraying them with glyphosate-based herbicides which kill them and allow them to be harvested more conveniently before the first snow fall. So ignoring more than 2 decades of peer-reviewed studies published in the medical journals on the government's own NIH-funded website that conclusively show that a low-fat and high-carb diet that is promoted by the FDA and USDA is harmful to the nation's health, and that natural and traditional saturated fats that have been in the food chain for thousands of years, such as butter and coconut oil, are "unhealthy," while the newer "polyunsaturated vegetable oils" from corn and soy which have only been in the food chain since WWII and the invention of "expeller-pressed" technology which allows oil to be extracted from corn and soy and are heavily processed to make them shelf-stable are considered "healthy," the FDA continues to promote Big Ag and Big Food profits by promoting dietary guidelines that are destroying America's health.

The Healing Oils for Heart Health: Do NOT Trust Your Government for Nutritional Advice

As more and more people in the United States are waking up to the fact that our federal health agencies, such as the FDA and CDC, are corrupt and serve the interests of Wall Street Billionaires and not the public, it is more important than ever to understand the corruption that also exists within the USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) and their years of bad nutritional advice that has demonized traditional, healthy fats and oils that have nourished populations for thousands of years, in favor of the newer "polyunsaturated" oils which are toxic, and dangerous to your health. These polyunsaturated "edible oils" have only been in the human food chain since the "expeller-pressed" technology was developed during and following World War II that allowed the U.S. to start producing highly toxic and refined "edible" oils from corn and soybeans, two crops heavily subsidized by taxpayers that allows the U.S. to dominate world edible oil supplies. It was in the 1970s that the "McGovern Report" put forward the nutritional dietary advice of a "low-fat" diet that harmed American's health by condemning traditional fats and oils, but brought great profit to Wall Street investors as Americans switched over to hydrogenated toxic polyunsaturated oils derived from corn and soybeans. They used a theory of heart disease commonly referred to as the "lipid theory" of heart disease that stated certain kind of fats, saturated fats, led to higher levels of cholesterol, and therefore higher risks for heart disease. But even from the beginning and the origin of this theory what was stated in the McGovern Report, many scientists disagreed and called the theory bogus. Today, the lipid theory of heart disease has been thoroughly debunked by real science, and yet official government policy on nutrition continues to support it, for political and economic reasons, but NOT health reasons. To admit that they were wrong all these years on dietary oils, cholesterol, and heart disease, would be to admit that the $BILLIONS they earned during that time from popular cholesterol-lowering drugs, was earned fraudulently, and the biggest player in that industry was Pfizer, and their blockbuster drug Lipitor, the best-selling drug all-time before its patent ran out in 2011. So with Pfizer's newest killer drug, the COVID-19 vaccine, injuring the hearts of many people with myocarditis and pericarditis, especially among the younger age groups, it is more important than ever to understand just which dietary oils are actually healthy for the heart, and which ones are not.

Ketogenic Diet Reduces Inflammation and Improves Metabolic Regulation Resulting in Healthier, Happier Brains

With the prevalence of conditions associated with dysfunctional energy metabolism, the use of the ketogenic diet and ketone bodies as an efficient energy source has shown a remarkable therapeutic potential for a wide range of disorders, from cognitive health and neurological diseases to cancer and autoimmune issues, all of which have inflammation and/or a form of metabolic dysregulation in common. In recent years, a significant amount of research done using the high-fat low-carb diet (HFLC) has centered around the neurological and brain-stabilizing benefits of using ketone bodies, rather than glucose, as fuel for the brain. The increasingly affirming results are leading researchers to wonder if burning ketones might lead to, not only a lighter population through the resulting weight loss, but also a happier and more productive one as well.

Research Shows High-Fat Low-Carb Diet with Coconut Oil Can Prevent or Cure Alzheimer’s

A very recent review on nutritional approaches toward preventing and reversing Alzheimer’s disease (AD) was conducted in Christchurch, New Zealand’s Canterbury University. The results were submitted to the journal Nutrition. It’s title: "The ketogenic diet as a potential treatment and prevention strategy for Alzheimer's disease." After analyzing 33 studies researching AD and other neurological disorders handled with a ketogenic diet and supplementing coconut oil, the University of Canterbury review analysis concluded: "In this review, we hypothesize that the ketogenic diet could be an effective treatment and prevention for Alzheimer's disease, but both ketone production and carbohydrate restriction may be needed to achieve this."

Study: Medium Chain Fatty Acids in Coconut Oil Provide Sustained Energy for Athletes

Most of us are not used to considering dietary fat as a high source of energy for all-out exercise, athletic activity, and physical labor. Energy from fat has usually been associated with stored fat within the body as a reserve for when carbohydrate energy runs out. Now a 2018 Russian study using cross-country skiers as human subjects determined medium chain fatty acids (MCFA), normally contained in only a few saturated fats, supplied immediate energy during high demand athletic endeavors. These fatty acids don’t get stored as fat, but provide sustained energy. This truth can benefit all of us, not just athletes.

Study: Neuroprotective Effect of Virgin Coconut Oil Helps Relieve ALS (Lou Gehrig Disease)

ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is a neurodegenerative disease that causes disability and can lead to death. It is considered progressive and incurable. It is often referred to as Lou Gehrig disease, named after the Yankee baseball star of decades ago whose career was cut short by ALS. ALS begins with minor muscular control issues then progresses until one is completely disabled, even unable to consume food or breathe. It can be a slow, miserable death for many who are stricken. ALS diagnoses have been increasing, and the pharmaceutical industry has no cures. A recent animal study looked into the potential of coconut oil for preventing or reducing ALS symptoms. The results of the study were positive, and revealed that the coconut oil supplementation together with the regular diet delayed disease symptoms, enhanced motor performance, and prolonged survival in mouse models. The baby-boomer era generations are aging in large numbers, and those aging are most prone to neurodegenerative diseases such as ALS and Alzheimer’s disease. Virgin coconut oil is safe and carries even more nutritional benefits in addition to neurological protections.

The High-fat Ketogenic Diet for Cognitive Health: Proven Remedies for the Alzheimer’s Epidemic

The failure of Big Pharma to develop an Alzheimer's drug has been well-documented in the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media. As Alzheimer's diagnoses continue to increase, drug companies are scrambling to develop the next big drug to market to seniors. In modern times, the most successful drugs in sales, so far, have been cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, as one out of every five people over the age of 50 are now taking drugs to lower one's cholesterol, raking in billions of dollars for pharmaceutical companies. The sick irony to this is that lowering one's cholesterol artificially is directly linked to declining cognitive health and diseases such as Alzheimer's, since 25% of one's total cholesterol is located in the brain. The failed scientific hypothesis behind these drugs is that cholesterol is a cause of heart disease, and that diets high in saturated fats contribute to high cholesterol. However, the actual science shows almost the opposite, and when one looks at death rates, for example, lower cholesterol rates do not equate to longer life - in fact the converse is true: higher cholesterol levels lead to longer life spans. The pharmaceutical industry and the U.S. government cannot afford to reverse their warnings against saturated fats and cholesterol, however, as it would be the same as confessing that the entire statin drug industry has been a scam, and that statin drugs actually cause more harm than good. This is the main reason why the USDA must continue supporting a low-fat diet and condemning saturated fats, even though the science does not support their positions. It is no surprise, therefore, to learn that peer-reviewed scientific studies continue to show that the high-fat ketogenic diet supports cognitive health and can help prevent or reduce cognitive diseases such as Alzheimer's. Here are four new studies just published on the high-fat ketogenic diet related to cognitive health, and preventing Alzheimer's Disease.

Saturated Fat and Heart Disease: “The Greatest Scam in the History of Medicine”

Dr. Malcom Kendrick is a Scottish doctor and author of the book The Great Cholesterol Con. Recently he wrote a blog post on saturated fat and cardiovascular disease. He commented on how the science actually proves the opposite conclusion from what is commonly believed about saturated fats: To be honest, I have studied saturated fat consumption many, many… many, many, times. The one thing that has always stood out, most starkly, is the complete lack of any real evidence to support the idea that it causes cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, evidence contradicting it arrives on an almost daily basis.

Weekly Menu Plan: Coconut Recipes for 7 Days of Meals

Are you craving fresh inspiration for your dinner plate? We're here to help you discover wholesome and dependable recipes that will nourish you and your family every night of the week. This go-to guide includes 7 entrée recipes + side dish and dessert recommendations that your dinner guests won't find dull. You'll discover that our coconut recipes not only produce great meals, they also encourage a higher quality of life by helping you get away from processed foods found in grocery stores, and back in the kitchen participating in the age-old community of scientists and artist who love to create excellent meals from whole food ingredients. We hope you'll enjoy the flavors, the process, and the conversations you'll be having around your table. Let's get cooking!

Study: Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil Decreased Plaque and Gingivitis

A 2015 study published in the Nigeria Medical Journal looked at the effect of "oil pulling" with coconut oil on plaque formation and plaque induced gingivitis. The study was conducted in the Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Kannur Dental College, in Kerala, India. Oil pulling is a technique that has become popular where one takes a spoonful of coconut oil and swishes it around in their mouth (without swallowing) for 15 minutes or so. Many health benefits are claimed from following such a practice, but so far published research has only documented the dental benefits. Even "mainstream" dentists in the United States are reporting benefits they are seeing in their patient's dental health among those who regularly practice oil pulling.

Golden Milk Recipe with Turmeric and Virgin Coconut Oil

Golden Milk is an ancient Ayurvedic drink made using turmeric and milk – and it’s one of the best ways I know to incorporate turmeric into one’s daily diet. Turmeric is known to have so many health benefits due to curcumin, a powerful polyphenol antioxidant that also gives turmeric its beautiful golden color. Making Golden Milk is so easy, and by making a Golden Paste ahead of time, you can enjoy a nice hot cup of Golden Milk in minutes! Because turmeric is fat-soluble, using virgin coconut oil not only increases turmeric’s health benefits, but it adds one more way to use this healthy fat every day!

Woman’s Epileptic Seizures Stop After Adding Coconut Oil to Diet

I have been on just about every seizure medications there are, including clinical trial medications. None of them have ever stopped my seizures. I've been putting 2 tablespoons of coconut oil in smoothies every day. I have been seizure free for 9 weeks, the longest I've ever gone. I am very excited!!

Study: Virgin Coconut Oil Effective Rewetting Agent for Dry Eyes

A study out of Malaysia shows that virgin coconut oil may function better than commercial "artificial tears" products in rewetting dry eyes. The title of the study is A Pilot Study: The Efficacy of Virgin Coconut Oil as Ocular Rewetting Agent on Rabbit Eyes and was published in the journal Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, February, 2015.

Making Corn Tortillas and Coconut Oil-Fried Chips

Corn chips are simply tortillas fried in fat and salted. Commercial corn chips are most commonly fried in rancid vegetable fats such as soy, cotton, or corn and are made with genetically modified corn. For the most fresh, delicious, and healthy corn chips, try homemade masa pressed into tortillas and fried in pure coconut oil.