What Is Cholesterol, and Why Do You Need It?

This soft, waxy substance is found not only in your bloodstream but also in every cell in your body, where it helps to produce cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids that help you digest fat, and is vital for neurological function.

Big Pharma Study: USDA Dietary Guidelines on Fats are Wrong

Researchers in a recent study conclude: "Current evidence does not clearly support cardiovascular guidelines that encourage high consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids and low consumption of total saturated fats."

LDL “Bad cholesterol” Indicates an Amino Acid Deficiency, 99 Year Old Researcher Says

Fred Kummerow is an emeritus professor of comparative biosciences at the University of Illinois, and at 99 years of age, he is still conducting and publishing research. For over 60 years Professor Kummerow has warned about the dangers of trans fats, even suing the FDA for not removing the GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status on them years after most other countries had banned them. Professor Kummerow has also battled against the standard thinking regarding cholesterol, stating that dietary cholesterol is good for your heart and that there are other factors that contribute to heart disease. In a paper published in 2013 in the American Journal of Cardiovascular Disease, he explained once again that oxidized lipids (and oxidized cholesterol), as is found in overheated polyunsaturated oils like corn and soy, are leading contributing factors to heart disease. In 2014, Professor Kummerow was still going strong at age 99, and has just published a new paper showing that LDL cholesterol is simply a marker for an amino acid deficiency and not the cause of heart disease at all.

Coconut Oil is Beneficial for Your Heart: Shining the Truth on Mainstream Media’s Negative Attacks Against Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has been a topic of news in the mainstream media again recently, so let’s look at some of the misinformation that is still being spread about coconut oil.

Is Trans Fat “Ban” Paving Way to Promote New Monsanto GMO Product?

The recent "ban" on trans fats may actually be a way to promote a Monsanto GMO product. It’s important to note that since this is a proposed rule, and not a final one, there’s still a chance it could be changed or dropped.

FDA Sued, Forced to Remove Safety Status on Trans Fats

For over 60 years, saturated fats have been wrongfully accused of causing heart disease, despite evidence showing that saturated fat is actually critical for optimal health while trans fat is the dietary fat causing heart disease.

Dr. Brownstein on New Cholesterol Guidelines: Fugetaboutit

People do not get vascular events from a lack of a statin medication. Vascular events occur from a myriad of reasons including eating a poor diet, dehydration, as well as nutrient and hormonal imbalances.

Cholesterol Numbers Meaningless, but FDA to Approve New Class of Cholesterol-lowering Drugs Anyway

The latest guidelines on preventing cardiovascular disease had a key message that targets for lowering cholesterol levels are now gone. Yet the guidelines now recommend that far more people take statins.

Cardiologist Speaks Out On The Myth of Bad Saturated Fat, Stating Carbs Are More Damaging Than Butter

A Cardiologist is speaking out stating that almost four decades of advice to cut back on saturated fats found in foods such as butter and meat has paradoxically increased our cardiovascular risks.

Study: Saturated Fat Not Associated with Risk of Coronary Artery Disease, Coconut Oil and Dairy Fat Healthy

The lipid theory of heart disease continues to crumble. There never was any solid science linking traditional saturated fats and cholesterol to heart disease, but that didn't stop Big Pharma from making billions.

98 Year Old Lipid Researcher Reports that Cholesterol is Good for your Heart

A 98-year-old researcher argues that, contrary to decades of clinical assumptions and advice to patients, dietary cholesterol is good for your heart, unless that cholesterol is unnaturally oxidized.

Study: High Fat Mediterranean Diet Better for Heart than Low Fat Diet

A study concluded that 30% of heart attacks, strokes and deaths from heart disease can be prevented in people at high risk if they switch to a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil, nuts, beans, fish, fruits and vegetables, and even drink wine with meals.

Saturated fat is not the culprit in heart disease

British Medical Journal study shows replacing dietary saturated fats with omega-6 PUFAs increased all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality and mortality from coronary heart disease.

Resurrected Data From 1960s Shows American Heart Association’s Advice on Dietary Fats has been Wrong

Will the American Heart Association now change their advice, since that advice appears to be leading people to make bad dietary oil choices that is contributing to heart disease?

Forget Cholesterol, Inflammation’s the Real Enemy

Twenty years ago, doctors told us to stay away from high-fat foods like eggs, bacon, and butter because they raised cholesterol and could lead to heart disease. But today, that is all changing.

Could Cholesterol-lowering Drugs be Adding to the Epidemic of ‘Heart Failure’?

Researchers found that people taking statin drugs had lower levels of CoQ10, which is critical to heart health. They also found that those taking statins had "reduced insulin sensitivity", which leads to type 2 diabetes.

Heart Surgeon Admits He was Wrong About Low Fat Diet and Heart Disease

As a heart surgeon with 25 years experience, having performed over 5,000 open-heart surgeries, today is my day to right the wrong with medical and scientific fact.