New Cholesterol Guidelines May Put 13 Million More on Statin Drugs

Compared with the older guidelines, new recommendations would increase the number of US adults eligible for statin therapy from 43.2 million to 56 million, with most of the increase occurring among adults without heart disease.

Study: Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drugs More Than Double Breast Cancer Risk

Why do one in seven women have breast cancer? One reason is the use of synthetic hormones in our food and prescribed to women. Another reason is statin medications.

Vascular Surgeon: Why I’ve Ditched Statins for Good

Popular doctors in the UK who go against the mainstream medical system have found willing publishers in the mainstream media in recent days, to publish the other side of the “statin wonder drug” hype.

Big Pharma Study: USDA Dietary Guidelines on Fats are Wrong

Researchers in a recent study conclude: "Current evidence does not clearly support cardiovascular guidelines that encourage high consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids and low consumption of total saturated fats."

LDL “Bad cholesterol” Indicates an Amino Acid Deficiency, 99 Year Old Researcher Says

Fred Kummerow is an emeritus professor of comparative biosciences at the University of Illinois, and at 99 years of age, he is still conducting and publishing research. For over 60 years Professor Kummerow has warned about the dangers of trans fats, even suing the FDA for not removing the GRAS (generally recognized as safe) status on them years after most other countries had banned them. Professor Kummerow has also battled against the standard thinking regarding cholesterol, stating that dietary cholesterol is good for your heart and that there are other factors that contribute to heart disease. In a paper published in 2013 in the American Journal of Cardiovascular Disease, he explained once again that oxidized lipids (and oxidized cholesterol), as is found in overheated polyunsaturated oils like corn and soy, are leading contributing factors to heart disease. In 2014, Professor Kummerow was still going strong at age 99, and has just published a new paper showing that LDL cholesterol is simply a marker for an amino acid deficiency and not the cause of heart disease at all.

Big Pharma Hiding Dangers of Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drugs

Are statin drugs the biggest fraud in the history of medicine? The evidence would say so and fortunately, many doctors are now stepping forward and speaking out against this biggest medical fraud of all time.

Deputy Chairman of British Medical Association Condemns Statins

What is one way to get doctors to wake up to the dangers of the drugs they prescribe? Put them on the same drugs! This technique has worked in the U.K, as leading doctors speak out against the dangers of statin drugs.

Is Trans Fat “Ban” Paving Way to Promote New Monsanto GMO Product?

The recent "ban" on trans fats may actually be a way to promote a Monsanto GMO product. It’s important to note that since this is a proposed rule, and not a final one, there’s still a chance it could be changed or dropped.

FDA Sued, Forced to Remove Safety Status on Trans Fats

For over 60 years, saturated fats have been wrongfully accused of causing heart disease, despite evidence showing that saturated fat is actually critical for optimal health while trans fat is the dietary fat causing heart disease.

Dr. Brownstein on New Cholesterol Guidelines: Fugetaboutit

People do not get vascular events from a lack of a statin medication. Vascular events occur from a myriad of reasons including eating a poor diet, dehydration, as well as nutrient and hormonal imbalances.

Cholesterol Numbers Meaningless, but FDA to Approve New Class of Cholesterol-lowering Drugs Anyway

The latest guidelines on preventing cardiovascular disease had a key message that targets for lowering cholesterol levels are now gone. Yet the guidelines now recommend that far more people take statins.

Cardiologist Speaks Out On The Myth of Bad Saturated Fat, Stating Carbs Are More Damaging Than Butter

A Cardiologist is speaking out stating that almost four decades of advice to cut back on saturated fats found in foods such as butter and meat has paradoxically increased our cardiovascular risks.

ABC Australia Exposes Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drug Scam and Pharmaceutical Criminal Activity

ABC News in Australia has done an incredible investigative report on cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, daring to expose organized crime in the pharmaceutical industry in the U.S.

Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Myth Exposed in Mainstream Media in Australia

Outside of the U.S., the myth that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease is quickly falling apart. People around the world are waking up to these dietary myths, as well as the scam of cholesterol-lowering drugs.

Study: Lifestyle Trumps Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drugs for Primary Heart Attack Prevention

A review of the published statin research revealed a categorical lack of evidence to support the use of statin therapy in primary prevention of heart attacks.

Statin Drugs Being Tested on Critically Ill Patients

Critically ill patients underwent statin drug testing because it was thought that statin therapy may decrease the mortality of ICU ventilator-assisted patient. In the end, more people died in the statin group than in the placebo group.

Cholesterol Drugs Linked To Eye Damage, JAMA Study Confirms Anew

A new study reveals that the drug class known as statins is significantly increasing the risk of cataracts within exposed populations.

The Ugly Side of Statins: An Honest Look at the Research of Cholesterol-lowering Drugs

Statin drugs may very well become the largest criminal act ever committed upon the American public, eclipsing the Vioxx scandal that is responsible for more than 60,000 deaths. But no one goes to prison and the drug sales continue.

Study: Higher Cholesterol Levels Associated with Longer Life – Statin Drugs Useless

A recent (2013) study found that high cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels in subjects over 50 years was associated with lowered all-cause mortality.

New Cholesterol Drug is Likely to Prematurely Kill You

Cholesterol is essential to our overall health, yet a new class of cholesterol drugs known as PCSK9 inhibitors promises to reduce LDL cholesterol levels to previously unheard of lows. This type of drug can drop your level below 50!