Study: Lauric Acid from Coconut Oil Inhibits Cancer Cell Growth Without Affecting Healthy Cells

A study published September 2017 by researchers from the Department of Pharmacy, Health and Nutritional Sciences, at the University of Calabria in Rende, Italy, and from the Department of Health Sciences at the University Magna Graecia in Catanzaro, Italy, looked at the anti-cancer activity of lauric acid, the main fatty acid found in coconut oil. While coconut oil continues to get slandered in the U.S. by those with close ties to the pharmaceutical industry, research mainly outside the U.S. continues to show how healthy coconut oil can be, dispelling the common saturated-fat-is-bad myth still being promoted in the U.S. The study title is: "The lauric acid-activated signaling prompts apoptosis in cancer cells," and it was published in the journal "Cell Death Recovery." The study looked at the effects of lauric acid in both breast cancer and colon cancer: "The saturated medium-chain fatty-acid lauric acid (LA) has been associated to certain health-promoting benefits of coconut oil intake, including the improvement of the quality of life in breast cancer patients during chemotherapy. As it concerns the potential to hamper tumor growth, LA was shown to elicit inhibitory effects only in colon cancer cells. Here, we provide novel insights regarding the molecular mechanisms through which LA triggers antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic effects in both breast and endometrial cancer cells." Coconut oil is nature's richest source of lauric acid, by far, comprising almost 50% of the fatty acids in coconut oil. Human breast milk comes in a distant second at around 6% lauric acid. Lauric acid has a rich and long history of fighting pathogens, and has been a popular food preservative for many decades. Perhaps the most significant observation documented in this study was the ability of lauric acid to target cancer cells but not affect healthy cells, unlike most chemotherapy drugs: "Lauric Acid inhibited the viability of both cancer cell types without altering the growth of MCF-10A normal breast epithelial cells, thus suggesting its specific potential to trigger antiproliferative effects in malignant cells."

Study: Antioxidant Activities of Virgin Coconut Oil Useful in Reducing Harm of Chemotherapy

The health ramifications of virgin coconut oil keep surfacing from international studies without much coverage from mainstream media health or food sections. Fortunately, Health Impact News and their website is the leading authority today on the health benefits of coconut oil, keeping you up-to-date on all the published research about coconut oil you will never read in the mainstream corporate media. There has been a lot of text and talk about the wonders of coconut oil’s medium chain fatty acids and how they benefit the brain by producing ketones for brain cells’ functional nutrition. Ketones can even reverse Alzheimer’s disease. Of course, the pharmaceutical industry and their support of the mainstream media would like to keep that information from being known. There are even folks losing weight with high-fat ketogenic dieting, which includes the saturated fat coconut oil and other whole unadulterated healthy fats, to debunk the unscientific dogma of saturated fats as responsible for obesity. Many studies have demonstrated coconut oil’s antifungal and antibacterial capabilities as well. Now we have coconut oil demonstrating powerful antioxidant potential, even powerful enough for reducing the biological stress of chemotherapy. Here are two new studies that point this out.

Study: Virgin Coconut Oil Protects the Liver from Harm Caused by Chemotherapy Cancer Drugs

A study published in January 2017 in Nigeria shows the hepatoprotective effect of virgin coconut oil when used with MTX cancer chemotherapy. Chemotherapy drugs are known for damaging the liver. Unlike the U.S., where government dietary advice is still against saturated fats and coconut oil, many of the coconut-producing countries are learning that their traditional diets high in saturated fats, and specifically coconut oil, are actually healthy. There is a wide body of research now looking at the health benefits of coconut oil, specifically virgin coconut oil, which is less refined than machine-made commercial coconut oils. The current study from Nigeria acknowledges that the "emerging health benefit of virgin coconut oil (VCO) has been associated with its potent natural antioxidants." So they designed a study using rats to see if virgin coconut oil and its antioxidant properties could protect the liver against oxidative stress caused by chemotherapy cancer drugs. They saw a definite improvement in liver function from the group that consumed virgin coconut oil.

Man Given Months to Live with Brain Tumor Rejects Chemo for High-fat Ketogenic Diet – Doing Well 2 Years Later

The science behind the high-fat low-carb ketogenic diet has been around for years. It is a special diet originally developed at Johns Hopkins Hospital in the 1920s as a cure for childhood epilepsy. A diet that is still used today, some children can become seizure free or nearly seizure free on the ketogenic diet, where drugs often fail. In recent times, studies have been done on cancer patients using the ketogenic diet, using the theory that refined carbohydrates feed cancer cells, whereas a diet induced state of ketosis can starve cancer cells. One of the most widely used dietary oils in the ketogenic diet to induce ketosis is coconut oil. But a diet approach to curing cancer is a direct threat to the multi-billion dollar cancer industry, which depends on no cures for future growth for its cancer products, which can only be pharmaceutical drugs approved by the FDA. So for cancer patients who want to try alternative methods to treat their cancer, they must endure ridicule, fear, and scorn by doctors in mainstream medicine. In the story below, one young man did just that. In the face of opposition from mainstream medicine, he rejected chemotherapy for his brain tumor, and was only given a couple of months to live. He chose to implement the ketogenic diet instead, and now 2 years later he is still alive and doing well, having bypassed the dangerous side effects of chemotherapy which would have, at best, probably only extended his life a couple of months.

How a High-Fat Diet Helps Starve Cancer

In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize Physiology or Medicine for his discovery that cancer cells have a fundamentally different energy metabolism compared to healthy cells. Most experts consider him to be the greatest biochemist of the 20th century. His lab staff also included Hans Krebs, Ph.D., after whom the Krebs cycle was named. The Krebs cycle refers to the oxidative reduction pathways that occur in the mitochondria. So just how does the metabolic inflexibility of cancer cells differ from healthy cells? A cell can produce energy in two ways: aerobically, in the mitochondria, or anaerobically, in the cytoplasm, the latter of which generates lactic acid — a toxic byproduct. Warburg discovered that in the presence of oxygen, cancer cells overproduce lactic acid. This is known as The Warburg Effect. Mitochondrial energy production is far more efficient, capable of generating 18 times more energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) than anaerobic energy generation. Warburg concluded that the prime cause of cancer was the reversion of energy production from aerobic energy generation to a more primitive form of energy production, anaerobic fermentation. To reverse cancer, he believed you had to disrupt the energy production cycle that is feeding the tumor, and that by reverting back to aerobic energy metabolism you could effectively "starve" it into remission. Although he was never able to conclusively prove it, he maintained this view until his death in 1970. One of his goals in life was to discover the cure for cancer. Sadly, as so typically happens in science, his theories were never accepted by conventional science despite his academic pedigree — until now. The New York Times recently published a long, detailed article about the history of modern cancer research, including Warburg's theories on cancer, which are now becoming more widely accepted.

Study: Virgin Coconut Oil Reduces Symptoms of Chemo – Improves Quality of Life for Breast Cancer Patients

Once again, research into the health benefits of coconut oil is mainly being done outside of the U.S., primarily in coconut-producing countries. For those seeking to use coconut oil for therapeutic value, always seek the highest quality virgin coconut oil possible.

Man Beats Terminal Cancer without Chemo Using High-fat Ketogenic Diet

In the video above, Joe Mancaruso explains how he beat stage 4 lung cancer with a ketogenic diet, exercise, and positive living. Research shows the ketogenic diet literally starves cancer cells.

Woman Battles Brain Cancer Using Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet Without Chemo

Alix Hayden has brain cancer, but instead of undergoing surgery and grueling chemotherapy, she’s fighting it with the low-carb, high-fat ketogenic diet and has been doing great so far.

Study: Intermittent Fasting and Ketogenic Diet Effective in Cancer Therapy

This study, published in January 2014, looking at the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting as an adjunct nutritional therapy to be administered to cancer patients undergoing standard radiation therapy in cancer treatment.

Coconut Oil and Ginger Aromatherapy with Massage Improves Immune System in Cancer Patients

A new study looks at the effectiveness of aromatherapy with light Thai massage for cellular immunity improvement in colorectal cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.

Statin Use For 10 Years? Increase Your Risk of Breast Cancer by over 200%!

Big Pharma has scared us into thinking that if we don’t lower our cholesterol, we are a ticking time bomb that will eventually end with a heart attack. A recent study shows that women users of statins for 10 years or longer had a much higher risk of breast cancer, compared to never users.

Study: Ketogenic Diet and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Stops Cancer

Abnormal cancer metabolism creates a glycolytic-dependency which can be exploited by lowering glucose availability to the tumor. This study shows how the ketogenic diet and use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy can stop cancer.

How To Cure Breast Cancer with a Modified Ketogenic Diet

Elaine Cantin was diagnosed with breast cancer and used a modified ketogenic diet to cure herself. Elaine has been given a clean bill of health as she is considered in ‘complete’ remission.

Ketogenic Diet May Be Key to Cancer Recovery

The premise is that since cancer cells need glucose to thrive, and carbohydrates turn into glucose in your body, then cutting out carbs literally starves the cancer cells. The diet calls for eliminating carbohydrates, replacing them with healthy fats and protein.

Are the Government’s Dietary Guidelines Making Us Obese?

Since the early 1980′s the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans have urged trusting Americans to eat a low-fat high-carbohydrate diet for their health and weight control. Now, obesity rates have shot up to 30%, and more than 70% of Americans are overweight.

Starving Cancer: The High-fat Ketogenic Diet

Imagine a free cancer treatment with virtually no side effects! Does it exist? The high-fat ketogenic diet, also known as metabolic therapy, starves cancer cells.