Get Off Your Thyroid Medication And Start Consuming Coconut Oil

Research shows that coconut oil contains unique fatty acids that stimulate metabolism, supply the body with tremendous energy, and promote weight loss.

How To Cure Breast Cancer with a Modified Ketogenic Diet

Elaine Cantin was diagnosed with breast cancer and used a modified ketogenic diet to cure herself. Elaine has been given a clean bill of health as she is considered in ‘complete’ remission.

Mother with Severe Vascular Dementia More Aware of Daughter after Starting Coconut Oil

After only 4 days on the oil, she is happy to let me leave the house because she is becoming more AWARE of things.

Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs Fail Again

Cholesterol-lowering medications do not significantly decrease your risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks or strokes. Conventional medicine has been hijacked to believe that poisoning the enzyme that makes cholesterol lowers the risk for heart disease.

Ketogenic Diet May Be Key to Cancer Recovery

The premise is that since cancer cells need glucose to thrive, and carbohydrates turn into glucose in your body, then cutting out carbs literally starves the cancer cells. The diet calls for eliminating carbohydrates, replacing them with healthy fats and protein.

Trust the Good Old Coconut and its Oil

Take a look at the ways in which coconut oil has been used for non-food purposes traditionally in Kerala, India.

98 Year Old Lipid Researcher Reports that Cholesterol is Good for your Heart

A 98-year-old researcher argues that, contrary to decades of clinical assumptions and advice to patients, dietary cholesterol is good for your heart, unless that cholesterol is unnaturally oxidized.

Cholesterol Numbers Used to Sell Statin Drugs Soon to be Changed

The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute will soon be updating their recommendations for “healthy” cholesterol numbers. Will there be any significant changes to their cholesterol guidelines?

There Is Only One Type of Cholesterol: All of it Beneficial

We keep hearing about different types of cholesterol. It’s all nonsense. There’s only one cholesterol molecule, so there’s only one type of cholesterol. What started this nonsense of types of cholesterol?

Are the Government’s Dietary Guidelines Making Us Obese?

Since the early 1980′s the USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans have urged trusting Americans to eat a low-fat high-carbohydrate diet for their health and weight control. Now, obesity rates have shot up to 30%, and more than 70% of Americans are overweight.