Another Study Showing Virgin Coconut Oil Heart Healthy Contradicting AHA Propaganda

Another peer-reviewed study was published this month (August 2017) showing dietary virgin coconut oil has beneficial heart-health effects regarding lipid profile, renal status, hepatic antioxidant defense system, and cardiovascular risks. The study was conducted by researchers in Nigeria in the Department of Medical Biochemistry, Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences, at Federal University. The title of the study is: Dietary Supplementation with Virgin Coconut Oil Improves Lipid Profile and Hepatic Antioxidant Status and Has Potential Benefits on Cardiovascular Risk Indices in Normal Rats. This new study and many other previous studies clearly contradict the propaganda espoused by Big Pharma and the U.S. Government dietary advice, which has been waging a war against saturated fats since the 1970s and the McGovern Report that promoted the false hypothesis that saturated fats led to an increase in lipid cholesterol levels and an increased risk for heart disease. This theory, the lipid theory of heart disease, has been shown to be false repeatedly by the published medical literature, yet it still remains the official USDA dietary advice.

Are Soy Formulas Affecting Hormones in Infants?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 25 percent of commercial infant formulas are soy based. In an August 2017 article in the online publication Undark, publisher Deborah Blum brought up the soy formula for infants controversy by interviewing Dr. Jack Taylor, M.D., Ph.D., who is heading research on the effects of soy on infants at the University of North Carolina, funded by the NIH. The research follows up on children’s health development among three categories of infant feeding: breast milk; cow’s milk formulas; and soy formulas. This research group’s most recent paper, “Soy Formula and Epigenetic Modifications” determined a genetic change with vaginal cells among young girls fed soy milk as infants. In her article Blum points out: “Research shows that soy milk and soy formula contain up to 4500 times the level of phytoestrogens found in cow’s milk or breastmilk. … consider further, that a baby on a soy formula diet is being repeatedly dosed every day.” Dr. Taylor states: “Well, you are absolutely correct that these babies are getting a lot higher dose of a known estrogenic compound than they’ll ever get from BPA or an endocrine disruptor like that.” Another study published earlier in the Lancet concluded: "Circulating concentrations of isoflavones in the seven infants fed soy-based formula were 13,000 – 22, 000 times higher than plasma oestradiol [a type of estrogen] concentrations in early life, and may be sufficient to exert biological effects, whereas the contribution of isoflavones from breast-milk and cow-milk is negligible."

Las Grandes Compañías Farmacéuticas y los Principales Medios de Comunicación Atacan el Aceite de Coco con Información Errónea

En lo que parece ser un ataque coordinado contra la creciente popularidad del aceite de coco, la Asociación Americana del Corazón (AHA) acaba de publicar una "Asesoría Presidencial" sobre "Grasas en la Dieta y Enfermedades Cardiovasculares" en la que condena el aceite de coco y recomienda que las personas no lo consuman. La recomendación de la AHA contradice claramente investigaciones que existen no sólo sobre el aceite de coco, sino sobre las grasas saturadas en general, que desacreditan la vieja teoría de los lípidos en las enfermedades cardíacas, la cual dice que las grasas saturadas y el colesterol causan enfermedades del corazón. Sin embargo, los principales medios de comunicación financiados por corporaciones publicaron sus recomendaciones sin análisis crítico o investigaciones periodísticas sobre las afirmaciones de la AHA.

Medical Cannabis Infused in Coconut Oil Maximizes Health Benefits

Among medical marijuana proponents there has been a lot of discussion about the various ways of combining coconut oil and cannabis as an ideal carrier for combining cannabis' external cannabinoids with the body’s internal cannabinoid system for healing. At first this combination was used to facilitate suppositories that when inserted rectally would somehow allow those who are THC intolerant to absorb full spectrum plant cannabis' benefits to be absorbed without the high. Then the coconut oil with cannabis was contained in capsules to create standardized cannabis edibles for medical consumption. This is what 77 year old Stan Rutner used to cure his terminal lung and brain cancer during hospice under his daughter Corrine’s and son-in-law John Malanca’s custody in California.

Study: Coconut Oil Offers Protection Against Inflammation and Diabetes

Forty percent of women today are obese. Many believe obesity is a precursor to diabetes, which if not reversed will lead to further health complications, and even be life threatening. However, a recent study looking at the effects of coconut oil on glycemia and inflammation demonstrated that obesity alone may not be the culprit. What the researchers discovered indicates that inflammation has a greater impact on insulin resistance and high blood sugar than excess fat. This could be argued, since adipose fats do release toxins over time that do create inflammation. But there are diabetes 2 patients who are not obese. Obesity in women has also been considered a factor in infertility, which this study also attempted to determine. Inadvertently, the study’s findings disclosed even more about the health protective qualities of coconut oil.

Study: High Saturated Fat Diet with Coconut Oil Reduces Gut Bacteria in Crohn’s Disease

A recent 2017 study has determined that pure dietary saturated fats, especially coconut oil, can ease the suffering from inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn’s disease. This study was conducted at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, a private institution well known for independent research. The study was reported in Science Daily June 22, 2017. Mice were fed only plant based fats such as cocoa butter and coconut oil. The mice fed coconut oil or cocoa butter had fewer kinds of gut bacteria. Their gut microbiome content had been positively altered to a healthier balance by 30 percent.

Study: Vegetable Oils Contribute to Fatty Liver Disease – Saturated Fats Do Not

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is rapidly becoming an international epidemic. The mainstream medical mantra for its underlying cause is "fat consumption." However, "fat" is a very general term and does not distinguish between traditional healthy fats and unhealthy modern processed fats and oils. The common belief is that saturated fat is the culprit in fatty liver disease, but a new study published in the July 4, 2017 European Journal of Nutrition comes to a different conclusion. This peer reviewed study, "Chronic consumption of fructose in combination with trans fatty acids but not with saturated fatty acids induces nonalcoholic steatohepatitis with fibrosis in rats," examined more closely the effects of trans fatty acids (from vegetable oils derived from corn and soybeans) versus saturated fats, found in traditional fats such as butter, coconut oil, and palm oil. The study’s title gives away their conclusion: fructose is bad for the liver, but it is worse with trans fats than it is with saturated fats.

FREE Immune Defense Summit: Neutralize Superbugs, Pandemics, Viruses and Chronic Disease

WARNING: Drug-resistant bacteria are projected to kill MORE people than cancer by 2050! The Immune Defense Summit is online and FREE from July 24-31, 2017. Gain the best strategies to rejuvenate your immune system and neutralize the threat of superbugs, pandemics, viruses and chronic diseases. Your best defense against today’s (and tomorrow’s) global health threats is a strong immune system. Yet, too many still remain uninformed about the best protocols to prevent illness and defeat diseases like autoimmune disorders, cancer, heart disease and the looming threat of “superbugs,” which are on pace to be MORE deadly than any other health condition. It’s time to give your immune system what it needs to protect your health! 36 of the world’s top experts in integrative medicine and science will be on hand to discuss the strengthening of your immune system to help protect you from all types of diseases, including autoimmune disorders, cancer, heart disease, dementias and even common pathogens like the flu, measles and pneumonia.

Study: Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drugs May Cause Parkinson’s Disease

A Penn State Medical School epidemiological study, reported by Science Daily, is urging physicians to not prescribe statin drugs for Parkinson’s disease symptoms. Evidently, due to earlier studies, cholesterol reducing drugs were considered preventative of Parkinson’s disease. Amazingly, this practice had been going on for some time, thanks to several questionable, and conflicting studies of statin use and Parkinson’s disease. The most recent study was conducted at the Penn State College of Medicine earlier this year (2017.) Their conclusion asserts that statin drugs should not be used as a Parkinson’s disease (PD) preventative. A previous study claimed patients who stopped taking statin drugs were more prone to Parkinson’s disease, thus statin drugs were helpful for preventing Parkinson’s. The Penn State study provided evidence that the opposite is true. Statin drug use can lead to Parkinson’s disease.

As Lawsuits Against Cholesterol Drugs Mount, Big Pharma Develops a Cholesterol Vaccine

As we have reported frequently here at Health Impact News, sales of drugs to lower cholesterol are the top selling drugs of all time. It is a $100 billion a year industry. The cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor is the best-selling drug of all time, grossing over $140 billion, with no serious close competitors in the history of pharmaceutical drugs. One out of every four Americans over the age of 50 is taking a statin drug to lower their cholesterol. However, these block buster drugs have run through their patent life, and now generics dominate the market. So Big Pharma is looking at new ways to patent new drugs to lower your cholesterol. The latest? A vaccine is being developed to lower your cholesterol. In recent years, class action lawsuits have been stacking up against statin drug manufacturers due to the terrible side effects, including diabetes. Is this another reason for turning to vaccines to "cure" cholesterol? In this country, lawsuits against vaccines are prohibited while civil suits against prescription or over-the-counter drugs are allowed.