Big Pharma and Mainstream Media Attack Coconut Oil with Mis-information

In what appears to be a coordinated attack against the rising popularity of coconut oil, the American Heart Association (AHA) has just published a "Presidential Advisory" on "Dietary Fats and Cardiovascular Disease" in which it condemned coconut oil, and recommended that people not consume it. The AHA's recommendation clearly contradicts research that exists on not only coconut oil but saturated fats in general, which debunks the old lipid theory of heart disease that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease. Yet, the mainstream corporate-funded media published its recommendations with no critical analysis or journalistic investigations into the AHA's claims. Are these attacks against coconut oil part of an effort by Big Pharma to protect its $100 billion a year cholesterol lowering statin drug industry?

Online FREE Chronic Lyme Disease Summit Starts Next Week

Over 150 symptoms could point to Lyme disease — it’s a present-day epidemic that’s terribly difficult to diagnose! Conventional medicine does not have an answer for Lyme disease. Join us online and FREE from June 19-26, 2017 for expert protocols that could radically improve the life of someone with Lyme! Lyme disease is quickly spreading across the entire globe. Very few are enlightened on this troublesome condition, and that’s why Dr. Jay Davidson has urgently created the second summit on this topic (with only 2 repeat speakers from 2016). 300,000+ people per year contract Lyme, and 2017 is predicted by some to be an incredibly risky year! Your host, Dr. Jay Davidson, nearly lost his wife to chronic Lyme disease, which prompted him to undergo years of research to help her heal. He’ll share that wisdom with you during The Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 2.

FREE Online Summit Teaches How to Grow All Your Own Food & Medicine from 38 Experts

On Monday, June 12th at 9:00 a.m. CT, 38+ leading experts will teach you how to become free of supermarkets and drugstores! Watch 100% online from the comfort of home as 38+ real people “living it” reveal their best secrets for growing all your own food and medicine. And be empowered with the practical skills you need to feed and heal your family!

Are the Dangerous Side Effects of Cholesterol-lowering Drugs All in People’s Heads?

The pharmaceutical empire strikes back. After the recent few years of increasing “statin deniers” getting an occasional mainstream media appearance, vested interest parties are coming up with studies to “prove” statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs) are safe. The problem is most folks on the fence, as most are, will be distracted by these studies no matter how biased and without merit they may be. Doctors who know the truth about statins are forced to pick any such statin safety study apart in response in order to straighten out doctors who prescribe statins based on pharmaceutical reps’ presentations and industry biased studies. One such doctor who is outspokenly critical of statin drugs, Scottish General Practitioner (GP) Malcom Kendrick, M.D., recently focused on a Lancet paper that intended to prove side effects from statin drugs were not only greatly exaggerated, but all in the patients' heads. According to the paper, patients were suffering from the “nocebo effect,” due to all the rising information regarding statin side effect symptoms publicly reported. In addition to his analysis of the study and comparisons to other studies, Dr. Kendrick offers his personal and professional experiences of taking patients off statins and watching them recover from torn or ravaged muscles and early onset dementia, among other side effects. Dr. Kendrick’s father, whose side effects had him wheel chair bound until his doctor-son convinced him to quit taking statins is an example he offered. No nocebo effects had them in such terrible shape that was relieved when they got off statins.

Meta-Analysis Study: Whole Fat Dairy Healthy, Saturated Fats Myth Exposed

A 2017 meta-analysis of 29 studies has concluded that consuming dietary dairy fat has no negative effects on all cause mortality or mortality from cardiovascular disease (CVD) and coronary heart disease (CHD). This includes dairy fats of all types. One of the researchers, Ian Givens of England’s Reading University, commented on the record: “There’s been a lot of publicity over the last 5 to 10 years about how saturated fats increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and a belief has grown up that they must increase the risk, but they don’t.” Actually, dairy and other animal sourced saturated fats have been wrongly condemned as a contributor to obesity and higher cardiovascular risk since Ancel Keys' notorious seven countries study over 50 years ago, which spawned the “lipid theory” of heart disease and obesity.

The Connection Between Insulin Resistance and the High-Carb, Low-Fat Diet

One of the absolute worst things conventional medicine does is treat type 2 diabetics with insulin. This only exacerbates the problem. The key to treating and reversing type 2 diabetes is to cut down on net carbs, replacing them with high amounts of healthy fats and moderate amounts of protein. Dr. Tim Noakes has researched reversal of type 2 diabetes in South Africans, coming to the same conclusion.

The Diet Police: Harassing Doctors Who Promote Low-Carb High-Fat Dieting

LCHF stands for a low carbohydrate and high fat diet. Not only does this diet protocol threaten the official nutritional dietary dogma of high carbohydrates and low fats (including NO saturated fats, as per USDA nutritional guidelines), promoting LCHF also threatens the sugar and processed food industries where it hurts, financially. So as with all things proven unscientific that support current industrial endeavors, promoting accurate current science to upset all endeavors associated with misinformation warrants attacks on the messengers while suppressing their scientific evidence. The science behind LCHF has been known at least since the 1920's when the ketogenic diet was developed at Johns Hopkins Hospital as a cure for childhood epilepsy, being used when drugs failed. Dr. Tim Noakes, MD, a South African scientist and emeritus professor at University of Cape Town’s Division of Exercise Science and Sports Medicine was attacked by nutrition officials almost three years ago in 2014. After three years of public court room hearings, with all its legal expenses and stressful distractions, he was recently acquitted.

The Big Fat Lie is Officially Exposed in the British Medical Journal

The saturated fat lie is officially exposed now that the British Journal of Sports Medicine, a division of the BMJ (British Medical Journal) emphatically declared: “Saturated fat does not clog the arteries: coronary heart disease is a chronic inflammatory condition, the risk of which can be effectively reduced from healthy lifestyle interventions.” The beginning of this very recent BMJ letter, 31 March 2017, reviewing several mega-studies, states early in their editorial: “Despite popular belief among doctors and the public, the conceptual model of dietary saturated fat clogging a pipe is just plain wrong.” Wrong, unequivocally and indisputably, not maybe or could be or further studies needed, but completely wrong. It’s over. And the root cause of arterial inflammation is cited with dietary recommendations that lean toward the Mediterranean Diet.

Microbiome Online Summit to Explore how Microbiome Orchestrates, Regulates and Heals Your Body

Your greatest ally in health is your microbiome — the trillions of bacteria that are the control center of your health! During the online Microbiome Summit from May 8th through May 15th, you will learn the lessons and methodologies of microbiome medicine, and how it could improve your health, longevity, vitality and assist with unresolved problems! The Microbiome Medicine Summit will explore how the microbiome orchestrates, regulates and can heal your body. It reveals the latest discoveries about a wide variety of health problems, and how the microbiome can help you heal at a deep level.

Study: Antioxidant Activities of Virgin Coconut Oil Useful in Reducing Harm of Chemotherapy

The health ramifications of virgin coconut oil keep surfacing from international studies without much coverage from mainstream media health or food sections. Fortunately, Health Impact News and their website is the leading authority today on the health benefits of coconut oil, keeping you up-to-date on all the published research about coconut oil you will never read in the mainstream corporate media. There has been a lot of text and talk about the wonders of coconut oil’s medium chain fatty acids and how they benefit the brain by producing ketones for brain cells’ functional nutrition. Ketones can even reverse Alzheimer’s disease. Of course, the pharmaceutical industry and their support of the mainstream media would like to keep that information from being known. There are even folks losing weight with high-fat ketogenic dieting, which includes the saturated fat coconut oil and other whole unadulterated healthy fats, to debunk the unscientific dogma of saturated fats as responsible for obesity. Many studies have demonstrated coconut oil’s antifungal and antibacterial capabilities as well. Now we have coconut oil demonstrating powerful antioxidant potential, even powerful enough for reducing the biological stress of chemotherapy. Here are two new studies that point this out.

New Vaccine Documentary with All-Star Lineup to Address Greatest Health Topic of our Lifetime

Health Impact News reports on a variety of health topics that impact your health and that the mainstream media seldom reports. Of these topics, no topic comes close to the level of traffic and readership interest that the vaccine topic does, when it comes to vaccine efficacy and safety. We have an entire website dedicated to this topic: Producer Ty Bollinger, the man behind The Truth About Cancer documentaries that have changed so many lives, has now brought together over 60 speakers representing the top authorities on vaccines in a brand new documentary to begin airing on April 12, 2017. It can be viewed online by the public for FREE! I have worked together with Ty Bollinger to help bring you this all-star lineup of medical doctors and other experts who will present the truth about vaccines in what will be the most comprehensive treatment of the subject the world has probably ever seen!

Study: Ketogenic Diet Offers Hope in Treating Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) can include what are commonly defined as impeded social interactive developments and learning disorders. ASD could be as mild as hyperactivity and attention deficit or as extreme as total developmental shutdowns at early ages, little to no language abilities, and possibly chronic epileptic seizures. The ketogenic diet is simply one that restricts carbohydrates, especially refined carbohydrates, allows moderate or adequate protein intake, and enhances healthy organic dietary fat consumption. Categorizing the different factions of ASD psychologically unrealistically ignores the physiological aspects of ASD disorders. Instead, intense bowel and intestinal tract inflammations are listed as “co-morbid symptoms” and unrelated to ASD diagnostics. Not enough attention is placed on finding the underlying metabolic disorders involved in most cases of autism, which also produce the “co-morbid” symptoms. It’s already known that the ketogenic diet has positively impacted some with intractable epilepsy. Yet anti-seizure and anti-psychotic pharmaceuticals that at best merely control seizures without curing epilepsy are more commonly prescribed than monitored dietary changes. Not only do they have side effects, they create more metabolic disorders. Over the past two decades or so, more medical research has focused on the ketogenic diet’s potential for reducing the metabolic dysfunction that some consider as the root cause of many neurological diseases that plague us today.

New Cholesterol-Lowering Drug Tests Fail: Should You Even Lower Your Cholesterol with Drugs?

Since 2015 there have been a few pharmaceutical companies working on a new cholesterol-lowering drug type as a replacement for the older class of statin drugs, such as Lipitor. Lipitor was the best-selling drug of all time, but its patent expired a few years ago. The new mantra is getting LDL cholesterol levels lower than statin drugs. The drug class of these new cholesterol-lowering drugs is a PCSK9 inhibitor. Of course, this is madness for two reasons: (1) Cholesterol and fats, in general, are not the cause of heart disease; (2) cholesterol is vital for hormone production and nervous system and brain function. The fact is that cholesterol is vitally essential for good health, and lowering cholesterol artificially can and does lead to more immediate health problems, and a lower life expectancy. So why the focus for a new cholesterol-lowering drug? Once again, we follow the money.

Pharmaceutical Crimes Continue Unpunished as Cholesterol Drug Lawsuits Stall

The statin or cholesterol reduction drug push has been tagged as the biggest medical scam of all time by medical practitioners who know better and are not afraid of being sued or harassed by drug makers. Despite several peer reviewed published studies that show both the ineffectiveness and dangers of statin drugs, they continue to dominate the pharmaceutical drug market. Cholesterol reducing statin drugs are prescribed unnecessarily and often with serious side effects, even as the whole theory of cholesterol causing heart attacks is proving false. For the thousands of victims filing lawsuits against Lipitor, the top selling cholesterol lowering statin drug of all time, a serious setback was suffered recently when U.S. District Judge Richard Gergel dismissed almost all of the 2800 cases being heard in his court.

Thyroid Secret DocuSeries a Huge Success! FREE Encore Weekend Now Available

The recently concluded 9-day DocuSeries and World Premiere The Thyroid Secret was a huge success. Dr. Izabella Wentz writes: "The response to the World Premiere of The Thyroid Secret has been, frankly, overwhelming. Hundreds of thousands of people tuned in around the world, and we’re completely humbled." Because so many people emailed in stating they had missed some episodes, the entire series is being broadcast for FREE this weekend. In addition, Dr. Izabella Wentz is broadcasting a Q & A session on March 12th and March 13th to answer some of the many questions that have come in to her during the series.

Is Virgin Coconut Oil the Future in Natural Medicine for Skin Conditions?

There are several testimonials by people using virgin coconut oil (VCO) for improving scalp conditions, hair, and skin issues. But it’s doubtful that a certified dermatologist would recommend that for most skin issues. It’s more likely that an external skin condition known as atopic dermatitis (AD), which causes excess dryness, inflammation, and pruritus (itching) will be prescribed a cortecosteroid cream to apply topically. The University of Central Florida Medical School offered a paper published early in 2017 titled “Coconut oil: The future of atopic dermatitis treatment?” Overall, VCO appears to be an emerging treatment for AD due to its safety and ability to both combat the suggested pathogenesis of AD and provide clinical improvement. More extensive trials that comprehensively examine the positive and negative effects of treating AD with VCO are indicated.

World Premiere Docuseries: The Thyroid Secret – Get Your Health Back – FREE Online!

Did you know that nearly 1 in 3* Americans have Thyroid Disease? And of those people suffering with thyroid disease, almost 60% have no idea why their body is betraying them? Though thyroid symptoms vary and are often nondescript, they greatly impact people’s ability to feel strong, healthy, and happy. The Thyroid Secret Docuseries will help to raise awareness about thyroid conditions (such as hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's, Graves disease, nodules, thyroid cancer, hyperthyroidism and postpartum thyroiditis) as well as the interventions that get to the root cause of their conditions and can help a person recover their health. We feature a lineup of top thyroid and health experts, including Dr. Izabella Wentz, Dr. Alan Christianson, Dr. Tom O'Bryan, Dr. Datis Kharrazian, Andrea Nakayama, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Kelly Brogan, Sayer Ji, Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, Dave Asprey + Hashimoto's Awareness and Thyroid Change charities. Plus numerous patient stories depicting their painful experiences as well as the healing that is possible. This documentary has innovative, actionable, effective and easy to understand solutions coupled with patient empowerment. It begins March 1st, and registration is FREE online.

Study: Coconut Oil Improves Memory and Brain Function

There are many empirical episodes of improving memory and slowing or reversing dementia with coconut oil that are dismissed as “anecdotal.” Fortunately there are increasing scientific studies that corroborate the many remarkable testimonies of recovering from dementia to perhaps convince naysayers of coconut oil’s health and healing properties. The in-vivo (animal) study “Enhanced memory in Wistar rats by virgin coconut oil is associated with increased antioxidative, cholinergic activities and reduced oxidative stress” was published in January of 2017. The research paper stated as part of its findings: "The promising outcomes of this study strongly imply the possible use of VCO, not only as neuroprotective agents for those suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, but also as brain food." A Canadian study published this year around the same time titled “Coconut oil protects cortical neurons from amyloid beta toxicity by enhancing signaling of cell survival pathways” observed that coconut oil and its medium chain fatty acids (MCFAs) protect against amyloid beta (Aβ) induced neurotoxicity in primary rat cortical neurons.

Autoimmune Revolution: Encore Day Broadcasts ALL Episodes FREE

This past week thousands of people have tuned in to Dr. Peter Osborne's Autoimmune Revolution online DocuSeries. If you missed any of these fantastic presentations by some of the top minds in Alternative Health, you have a chance to listen to each presentation FREE on the Encore Day, Monday, February 6th.

Big Pharma Failing Diabetics: Diabetes Can Be Prevented, Controlled, and Reversed Naturally

Celebrity doctor Mehmet Oz exclaimed on national TV not long ago, “Alarm bells are ringing. The CDC estimates that one third of all Americans will develop diabetes and will live 15 years less and lose quality of life. No public health problem compares in scale.” The burgeoning diabetes epidemic comes mostly in the form of type 2 diabetes. Of the 29.1 million cases of diabetes estimated in 2014, only 1.25 million were type 1 diabetic, less than five percent. Type 2 diabetes is actually a life style disease, preventable with proper exercise and diet, and even reversible the same way. Pharmaceutical medications for type 2 diabetes rarely if ever improve that condition, and their side effects are actually precursors for other diseases, even cancer. A type 2 diabetic prescribed insulin will most likely become type 1 diabetic instead of curing type 2. Diabetes 2 is happening among a large portion of our population who are victims of SAD, the Standard American Diet of processed and fast foods as well as other poor and sedentary lifestyle choices. And injecting insulin for type 2 diabetics, though sometimes prescribed, is decried as the wrong approach by others who consider it like pouring kerosene on a fire to put it out.