
by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Dr. Amy Myers, MD, a renowned leader in functional medicine and the New York Times bestselling author of The Autoimmune Solution and The Thyroid Connection is hosting The Thyroid Connection Online Summit from October 24-31. The Summit is FREE to anyone who registers.

This Summit will feature top notch presentations on thyroid health from some of the biggest names in Alternative Health, information you are not likely to find in conventional medicine or the mainstream media.

You are encouraged to join the Thyroid Connection Summit if you have Graves’, Hashimoto’s, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, cancer, nodules, cysts, are post-I-131 radiation or are post-thyroidectomy, or if your doctor says your labs are normal, yet you still have symptoms.

The Thyroid Connection Summit will help you:

  • Work with your doctor to get the right diagnosis/treatment
  • Address the root causes of thyroid dysfunction
  • Implement healthy dietary and lifestyle changes
  • Reclaim your health and vitality
  • And more!

Tens of millions worldwide have some form of thyroid dysfunction, and 60% don’t know they have it or how it occurred.

Dr. Amy Myers has identified 5 environmental factors that are the root cause of all thyroid dysfunction: diet, leaky gut, toxins, infections and stress. Every one of these is a piece of the pie — for some, one piece may be bigger — but all play a role to some degree.

Each day of The Thyroid Connection Summit will focus on a different root cause, with the first two days dedicated to understanding your thyroid and the worldwide thyroid epidemic.

Root Causes of Thyroid Dysfunction

Root Causes of Thyroid Dysfunction

Your Host and Guest Speakers


Dr. Amy Myers, M.D.

Dr. Amy Myers, M.D., is the host of the Thyroid Connection Summit.

Dr. Myers received her Doctorate in Medicine from LSU Health Sciences Center and spent 5 years working in emergency medicine before training with the Institute for Functional Medicine. She was diagnosed with Graves’ Disease, an autoimmune thyroid condition, in medical school. After conventional medicine failed her, it became her mission to not let it fail you, too.

Dr. Myers has helped hundreds of thousands around the world recover from chronic illness through her dietary-based program, The Myers Way®, and has also created multiple programs, tools and free resources to guide readers through her revolutionary approach to health. Her blog and website serve as a beacon of hope to the many sufferers of chronic disease and autoimmune conditions.

Featured speakers giving presentations during the Thyroid Connection Summit include:

  • Mark Hyman, M.D., Conventional vs. Functional Medicine Approach to Thyroid Dysfunction
  • Sarah Ballantyne, PhD, The Healing Power of Sleep
  • Mary Shomon, Author, Could You Have Thyroid Dysfunction Even if Your Labs Are Normal?
  • Ridha Arem, M.D., Thyroid 101: How Your Thyroid Impacts Every Cell in Your Body
  • Margaret Christensen, M.D., Thyroid and Your Sex Hormones at All Stages of Life
  • Raphael Kellman, MD, Your Microbiome and Thyroid
  • Alan Christianson, NMD, The Adrenal-Thyroid Connection
  • Darin Ingles, ND, How to Overcome the Hidden Lyme Disease Epidemic
  • Izabella Wentz, PharmD, FASCP, Infections As a Root Cause of Your Thyroid Dysfunction
  • Dana Trentini, Hypothyroid Mom, Pre-Conception, Pregnancy, Infertility and Your Thyroid
  • Mike Adams, the Health Ranger from Natural News, What’s in Your Water?
  • and many more!

Sign up now to attend online for FREE!

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Don’t Have Time to Watch All the Presentations? Purchase the Entire Summit at a Discount!


See Also:

Coconut Oil Benefits for Thyroid Health