If you have high cholesterol levels you should take a statin right? That is the mantra promoted by conventional medicine. In fact, statins have become the most profitable class of medications sold by The Big Pharma Cartel.
I have seen countless patients who have been told by their doctor that if they don’t take a statin drug they are putting themselves in line for heart attack.
However, that is not what the research has found. Did you know that:
1. There is no indication for taking a statin drug if you have not had a cardiac event.
2. If you are a man and have had a cardiac event, the best the statins drugs can promise you is approximately a 1-5% reduction in preventing a non-fatal heart attack.
3. Even though they have been around for over 15 years, statin drugs have never been shown to prolong lives.
4. In women there are no solid studies that demonstrate that it is beneficial to take a statin drug for any purpose.
The Cochrane Collaboration, an independent group that is not associated with Big Pharma money stated, “Statins do not have a proven net health benefit in primary prevention populations and thus when used in that setting do not represent good use of scarce health care resources.” (1)
A recent (2013) study found that high cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels in subjects over 50 years was associated with lowered all-cause mortality. (2) Compared to those with cholesterol <190mg/dL, those aged 60-70 years with a cholesterol level from 190-230mg/dL had a 32% lowered mortality rate. Those with a cholesterol level from 230-308mg/dL had a 33% reduced mortality rate. For male subjects with a cholesterol over 308mg/dL, there was an insignificant 2% increase risk for all-cause mortality. Women fared better. Compared to those with a cholesterol of less than 190mg/dL, women with cholesterol levels from 190-308mg/dL had a 41-43% reduction in all-cause mortality. Similarly to men, cholesterol levels over 308mg/dL had an insignificant (2%) rise in all-cause mortality.
Folks, this study is nothing new. Low cholesterol levels are associated with an increased risk of cancer, neurological disorders and muscle disorders. There are many studies showing increased longevity in older people (over 59 years old) who have higher cholesterol levels. Keep in mind that cholesterol is needed by every cell in the body to optimally function.
I stated in my book, Drugs that Don’t Work and Natural Therapies That Do, “You can’t poison a crucial enzyme and expect a good long-term result.” Statins poison a crucial enzyme in the body—HMG CoA Reductase. The result of poisoning this enzyme is disastrous—the chemical lowering of cholesterol is associated with disorders of the neurological and muscular systems.
The promotion of statins defies logic. The widespread use of this class of medications doesn’t make either biochemical or common sense. Mark my words; In the future, the widespread use of statins will be shown to be a drastic mistake in medicine.
(1) Therapeutics Letter 77/ March-April 2010
(2) Scandinavian J. of Primary Health Care. 2013;31:172-80
Read the Full Article Here: http://blog.drbrownstein.com/another-nail-in-the-statin-coffin/